Dragon's Watch

Author: Shelby Morgen
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 07486-02414
Genres: Action Adventure, Box Sets, Futuristic, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Dark Desire/Horror, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, Shapeshifters, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism
Series: The Northlanders (#3)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 230
In the aftermath of the collapse of world governments, technology, and civilization as Earth has known it hundreds of years, the Watchers have awakened. The Dragons have returned.
Gargoyle: Earth: 2110 Former North American Continent
The bad guys out number the Rangers twelve to one, and there's a Dragon on Von's tail. When the Dragon turns out to be one hot, sexy Elf, things really heat up.
The Night Before Christmas: Refugees gather at Camp David, searching for hope in a dying land. The Ranger Von must make decisions that will affect humanity's future, as well as her own. For one night, Jackson vows to make her forget the responsibilities of command, and remember only what it is to be a woman, and his lover.
Renegade: Earth 2286 Old European Continent
The last thing Esterion, Ranger of the New Order, expects is to be swept off her feet by a massive blue dragon who claims she's his mate. But when her father, Pajja, shows up to rescue her, Esterion finds she's not at all sure she wants to be rescued. Not when the stakes are higher than she's ever bargained for, and the fate of Humanity hangs in the balance.
Dragon's Gold: Earth 2347. Old European Continent
Sindarin, Ranger of Talismar, is a man on a mission. But when a Human entrusts herself to him, he's enthralled. The gift she's given him is one no Dragon can ever refuse. Dragons and virgins. That combination never works out well... for the Dragon. This time he knows he'll be the one to sacrifice... his heart.
Too Hot To Handle: Earth, 2456. Old European Continent
Jarla. A woman with no loyalties, except the Mercenaries Guild. She can be whoever the guild needs her to be. Today, she's a bounty hunter. Thallin. A man haunted by his past and a grief he cannot outrun. He'll sacrifice himself to save his men, even if it means placing his fate in the hands of a bounty hunter. But Jarla's hands are interested in more than his fate. Will her touch heal his shattered soul?
Publisher's Note: Dragon's Watch (Box Set) contains the previously published novellas Gargoyle, The Night Before Christmas, Renegade, Dragon's Gold, and Too Hot To Handle.

"Shelby Morgen will blow your mind away with a stunning tale of renewal and change. "
"Ms. Morgan blends science fiction deftly with fantasy and gives the reader an interesting and exciting read. The plot is well paced and the reader will certainly not be able to put it down. The sex scenes are hot, hot, hot, very sensual, emotional and passionate."

Best Erotic Fantasy
"Ms. Morgen is a genius at weaving an intricate tale in a small venue. Von is strong but still maintains a weakness, and Jackson is a loving man but with an edge of steel. Run for Ms. Morgan's Dragon's Watch series, it will not disappoint!"
"A mixture of sweet and tender, blended with steamy passion and sex so hot you feel the flames. This series only gets better and better! More, please and hurry!"

"Very Hot! Never thought shifted dragon sex could be sexy! But it is both sexy and passionate. Anyone looking for a quick and hot dragon story should check out this book!"
"The love story of Esterion and Cerulean... is one of the most intense I have read in a while. The sex is hot and Cerulean is the kind of mate every woman dreams of meeting. I enjoyed this story."
"Hot doesn't begin to describe it! Who would have thought Dragon sex could be so sizzling? Get your ice bucket and settle in with this one!"
"For those who enjoy some dragon loving and soul mate pairing, this is the book for you."

Best Erotic Fantasy

"A remarkable story about honor, duty, trust, and erotic passion. Shelby Morgen has definitely done a wonderful job creating a story worth reading a couple of times."
"Too Hot to Handle starts out with a wonderful look at Jarla's character, and continues to build upon her desires with every masterful turn of phrase. I was fascinated with Thallin's heroic qualities. His loyalty to his men, his need to do what's right and his devotion to Jarla as the story develops is endearing and heartwarming. The passion between Thallin and Jarla sizzles with an almost primal sensual connection, and each sexy encounter builds upon the last, culminating in a believable emotional connection. If warriors, battles and a hint of political intrigue interest you, this story is a must read."
"An Alpha hero to die for...or better yet to stay alive and enjoy. Don't miss Too Hot To Handle."
"Grab some asbestos gloves, hit the ice house and get lost in a world only Shelby Morgan could create!"
"When Shelby Morgen titled this story Too Hot to Handle, she wasn't exaggerating. Darkly erotic, this is a sensual yet romantic tale of two lost souls who discover love and passion in a most unusual setting. Very highly recommended!"
"Too Hot To Handle should come with asbestos gloves, a change of underwear, and a cigarette or chocolate to inhale afterwards to calm your nerves down. Cold showers are optional."
"The Changeling Press version of Too Hot To Handle by Shelby Morgan should come with an asbestos chair pad."
Dragon's Watch (Box Set)
Shelby Morgen
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2015 Shelby Morgen
Excerpt from Gargoyle
Don't look down.
Nowhere on the enlistment forms had there been anything about heights. Von hadn't lied. Not really.
The water twenty stories below covered the streets and rose up past the first floor of all the buildings in what had once been downtown Philadelphia. Von had to fight to contain the nausea that threatened to become overwhelming.
Nothing for you down there any more. No reason to look down.
Well, there wasn't any more up, and looking over wasn't all that much better. There was a Gargoyle on the building across the street that looked like a dark gray granite Dragon. Von had never really liked Gargoyles. Creepy shits they were, staring down at the remnants of humanity like vultures, waiting for the end. The Gargoyle wouldn't have much longer to wait.
How the hell am I supposed to focus with a Dragon staring at me?
Ranger's Code. You used to be able to recite the damn thing word for word. Let's hear it, Ranger.
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!' Isaiah 6:8."
Von sighed. That didn't help much. No one gave a shit about codes any more. No one gave a shit about anything except survival, and that was a losing battle. Nothing that happened here today would make any difference.
It was over.
They'd lost.
The stone Dragon was the only one who would ever know, and he sure as hell didn't care. Damn Gargoyle. He was waiting, staring off across the remains of the city, trying to act like he wasn't watching. If a stone carving could have an expression, the Gargoyle looked disinterested. Almost bored.
Maybe I'll fall off. That should brighten up your day, Dragon.
What the fuck are you doing, Ranger? Concentrate, shithead!
Good point.
Twenty stories up hanging off a ledge might not be good timing for philosophical discussions with a slab of carved granite.
OK. Ranger's Code... I will uphold the honor, prestige, and morale of my Ranger unit. What was next? The faster, farther one... yeah. A Ranger is the perfect soldier. A Ranger moves farther, faster and fights harder than ordinary soldiers.
Well, Von had done all that. At least the farther and faster part. A hundred and twenty five miles since the ambush last night. Black Hawke's "Commandos" wouldn't expect a counterattack. Not now. Not here.
Shit. The Dragon was gone.
Von whipped around, searching frantically for the stone Dragon.
There he was. Sneaky bastard. Now he was on the building to the left, his tail curled along the edge of the ornate window trim, trying to blend in, as if he'd always been there.
No. Granite didn't move. It was simply a theme. These buildings were all built nearly two centuries ago, when the Gargoyle thing was hot. Weird, twisted architecture. Nothing even remotely efficient about them. Each one trying to outdo the other with their parapets and arches and carved stone accents, complete with Gargoyles.
And Dragons.
So where were the others? There were plenty of Gargoyles, but only one Dragon in sight. How come only one Dragon was ever visible at a time?
Oh my God.
In silhouette, it was easier to see that the Dragon was anatomically correct. If a cock that size could be called correct. A cock like that would give you nightmares... or wet dreams.
Focus! Forget the goddamn chunk of rock!
Yeah. OK. Right. Long, slow, deep breaths. Lower the heart rate. Reduce the heat signature. Blend into the stone. Cool, gray stone.
I will keep myself mentally sharp and physically strong. I will shoulder more than my share of the task at hand. I shall not fail my unit. Surrender is not a Ranger word.
The door to the roof burst open. Eight "Commandos" appeared, with black bandanas tied over their heads. The matching headgear added uniformity to what would otherwise have been pure chaos. They were all dressed in black, but there the similarity ended.
Their "uniforms" consisted of everything from black leather to heavy black denim accented with vinyl. Anything they'd been able to loot. Nothing was consistent except the color -- and the size of the weapons stuffed in their waistbands. Every one of them a 9 mm Beretta. But, hey, they were black. They matched the team colors.
Berettas must be in style this season. Either that or they'd bought a case of the things at a surplus auction before the Net went down. And from the looks of things they had plenty of ammunition.
Where the hell had the Dragon gone now?
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
You've been out in the fucking sun too long, Von. Get a grip.
Steady breathing, that was the key. Become one with the building. In. Hold. Out. Hold. Even the heartbeat took on the rhythm of the lone rooftop generator. It didn't matter. The "Commandos" weren't expecting trouble. They didn't bother to search the rooftop. They were just waiting. Why would they expect any resistance at all any more? There was no one left to fight them.
No one but Von.
Not long now. The whir of the helicopter sounded in the distance. All eyes turned toward the horizon.
Steady now.
Where were we? Oh, yeah... Surrender. Surrender is not a Ranger word...
Then the hard part. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy.
Not even if he takes a bullet for me. Not even if he's lying there in my arms, bleeding to death.
"You can't let 'em take me alive. Do it. Do it, Von. Do it!"
No. Dear God, no...
Don't think about Jackson. Now is not the time.
The Dragon was back, his tail wrapped around the balustrade on the building's ornate cathedral roof. Great. When the kick from the Glock 45 knocked Von off the stone ledge toward the water some twenty stories below, perhaps the fucking Dragon might decide to swoop down to save her.
Forget it, Von. You don't get saved. You're a Ranger. A Ranger on a mission.
I will never embarrass my country. I will display the courage required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.
The noise of the helicopter was getting louder, drowning out all other sounds, all other rational thought. No problem there. You ain't gonna be the lone survivor. Blend in to the stone. Follow the lines. Stiff. Angular.
One Riot, one Ranger.
All right, so that one was the Texas Rangers. So what.
The door to the helicopter opened. Von stepped out of the shadows.
Hawke's face went gray for a moment before he remembered to smile. "Hey, bitch, you don't know when to die, do you. You kinda messed up, but that's OK. You can still be my cunt. Ask me nice, and maybe I'll let you suck my dick."
At the sight of Von's weapon, he laughed. "Gimme me the gun, bitch. Ain't no clip in it. You outta ammo."
Von smiled as she pressed the barrel of the Glock against his balls. "I always leave a round in the chamber."
This one's for you, Jackson. See you in hell.
From his perch on the neighboring rooftop, the Dragon slowly turned his head toward the sound of the bullet's report, as if he'd finally found something worthy of his attention in the world of the dead and dying.
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