Hero/Snow Duet (Print)
A Hounds of Hell MC Romance

Author: Jamie Targaet
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 011368-03701
ISBN (13): 978-1-60521-930-1
Genres: Action Adventure, Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Print, Romance, Suspense
Themes: 2nd Chance Romance, Age Gap (Older Man), Christmas, MC Romance, New Adult, Organized Crime
Series: Hounds of MC Print (#1)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 186
I don’t care about her past. She’s my future, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.
Hero (Hounds of Hell 1)
Jade -- Grams was the only family I had, and now she’s gone. All I know about my father is that he’s a member of a local MC. Or he was. Now he’s president of Hounds of Hell MC -- or possibly their rivals, the Cottonmouths MC. Hero’s job is to protect me until that gets sorted out. He’s also one gorgeous temptation of a biker. Part of me wants to stay here, in the home where I grew up. Part of me just wants him. My Hero.
Hero -- I resented our prez assigning me to babysitting duty -- until I got a look at Jade. Choosing me to protect her was the right call. No one’s taking her away from me again. I don’t care who her father is. Jade is mine. No matter who has to die.
Snow (Hounds of Hell MC 2)
Emily -- Most wonderful time of the year? Yeah, right. My bakery business isn’t booming this Christmas, I’m behind on my loan, my SUV’s dying, my ex is in town for the holidays, and somehow we’ve ended up with a biker playing Santa for the annual children’s Christmas party. He’s definitely the wrong man for the job, and I really shouldn’t be daydreaming about sitting on his lap.
Snow -- If I’d known about the gorgeous little baker, I’d have snatched her up years ago. Now I’ll play Santa Claus for her kids, and her ex will wish he got a lump of coal in his stocking when I’m done with him. Emily will have a good Christmas. I guaran-damn-tee it.
Praise for Hero (Hounds of Hell MC 1)
"A quick read at roughly 90 pages, Hero and Jade’s relationship goes from zero to sixty very quickly. I loved it. If you like stories that feature heartwarming romance and alpha bad boys with a heart of gold, then you will love Jamie Targaet’s Hero. This is supposed to be the first book in the Hounds of Hell motorcycle club series, so I’m excited to see what other members and prospects the author will feature in the future."
-- 4 Stars from Dicentra, Long and Short Reviews
"I always expect a great story from Jamie, wonderfully written romantic moments, but this plot - filled with betrayals and odd alliances and mysterious parentage - there's a lot of moving parts and Jamie weaves them all together seamlessly. You'll love this little escape from the real world, I certainly have."
-- 5 Stars from Todd & Erin Collard, Amazon Review
"This first in the series was pretty awesome... highlights and leaves you wanting to know more about the MCs involved. Can't wait for another."
-- 5 Stars from DragonWolf, Amazon Review
"This book was great! Love Jamie’s writing and storytelling... hope more books come from this one or any story she wants to tell."
-- 5 Stars from Meghan, Amazon Review
"Hero was attentive, strong and determined. Jade was a breath of fresh air, and unaware of the strength that she possessed. I recommend this book! The characters were spot on, and I read this through one setting."
-- 4 Stars from Krystinna Collett, Amazon Review
"This story had me all caught up in its drama!"
-- 4 Stars from Merry Jelks-Emmanuel, Amazon Review
"Hero and Jade are beautifully written. I really enjoyed this book."
-- 5 Stars from Tracyah, Amazon Review
"An engaging story line and endearing characters made this an entertaining read from beginning to end."
-- 4 Stars from tburbr, Amazon Review
Praise for Snow (Hounds of Hell MC 2)
"This seems to be a new author. Her writing and story telling are good. She has good build up of the characters making them believable people."
-- 4 Stars from Amazon Customer, Amazon Review
Hero/Snow Duet
Jamie Targaet
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Jamie Targaet
Excerpt from Hero
Christian Hammond, Hero to his brothers, watched from the inside of his Jeep as the leggy brunette made her way to the small SUV. She was probably heading to town, so he decided to give her a head start and see what she was up to. He didn’t have anything else going on at the moment.
When Razor told him to go see if his daughter had come home, Hero had been annoyed by the assignment. What the fuck was he? A babysitter?
Now that he got a look at her, he didn’t have much to complain about. Her jeans were tight, showing off legs a mile long and a nice ass to go with them. Her baggy college sweatshirt didn’t do her any favors, but her long dark hair framed a face that was delicate, beautiful.
How the fuck did Razor have a daughter who looked like that?
His club president probably wouldn’t appreciate him ogling his only child the way he was either but… Look at her.
Scrubbing a hand over his beard, Hero waited as she started the car and threw on her seat belt. Finally, she started down the long gravel driveway that took her to Route 8. Hero let her reach town, not having any trouble spotting her as she parked on Main Street and headed straight for the local coffee shop.
Hero liked the way she walked with her shoulders back, her head held high. Confidence was sexy as hell on a woman and the sway of her round little ass didn’t hurt either.
His phone rang before he could shut off the engine and follow her on foot. Not surprisingly, it was Razor.
“She make it into town?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Hero told him. “Old man Phillips was there and talked to her for a while.”
“Hmm.” A pause. “I’ve got Snow working on the girl over at the attorney’s office. She’s sweet on him. We’ll see if she can find out if my girl means to keep the house or sell it.”
“Want me to stay on her?” As much as he’d bitched to himself about the assignment, he was minding a lot less now.
A long pause which was odd. Razor usually didn’t have any trouble issuing orders.
“Yeah, man, I need you to,” Razor said in a lower voice. “I’d give it to the prospects but… I need someone I can trust on this. I’m going to need eyes on her at all times until I can resolve some shit. If you’d stay on her until midnight, I’ll have Snow come relieve you.”
What was this about?
Hero wouldn’t question his prez. He appreciated that Razor trusted him.
“I’m on it,” Hero told him. “She’s here in town now, so I’m keeping an eye out.”
“Talk to you soon,” Razor told him, ending the call.
His daughter had come home for the funeral just like Razor said she would.
Everyone in Mercy knew Mina Dock. The old woman had a lot of friends so tomorrow was bound to be a circus.
The girl’s grandmother taught school for years and had retired not too long ago. She was apparently as stubborn as Razor and that was saying a lot. The president of his club had been trying for years to see his daughter, to see if Mina would agree to any type of shared custody arrangement or visitation rights. The old woman wouldn’t hear of it.
Razor never talked about it. Hero had heard stories.
Razor had never taken an old lady, and the girl’s mother, by all accounts, had been one of the club sluts for a time. Apparently, when she got knocked up, Mina Dock took control of the situation and that was the end of it.
Razor had a daughter he wasn’t allowed to see any more than he had her mother before that. The girl’s mother died a long time ago. Mina Dock had to have been one tough bitch to have kept Razor away.
Hero climbed out of his Jeep when she darted back out of the shop, a coffee cup in hand as she continued up the sidewalk. Her movements were fast, determined.
Hero grinned. There it was.
Razor walked like that when he meant business, or he was pissed at someone.
Speeding up a little, Hero headed in her direction. He was enjoying the sunny day, his curvy assignment. Things could certainly be worse.
When he saw a white delivery van come up the road behind him, he couldn’t have said why he noticed. Three familiar-looking men jumped out and he froze.
Fucking Cottonmouths. What the fuck were they doing here? They weren’t wearing their cuts but he knew who they were.
And he’d lost her. He didn’t know which shop she’d darted into, but he moved even faster. He couldn’t help but feel they were here for her, same as him.
While he was fairly sure he could handle the three of them on his own, he’d been in enough skirmishes to know better than to be one against three with the girl in play. He couldn’t risk texting, so he called Razor back.
“Three Cottonmouths just showed up,” Hero said quickly. “We’re on Main Street.”
“Really?” Razor didn’t sound amused. “The posse’s coming.”
“Thanks.” Hero pocketed his phone and watched as the three of them darted across the street, walking in front of him on the sidewalk. They didn’t even notice him.
The first one was Jimmy Jazz, a scrappy little fucker who put on a good show until things got physical. Then he tended to fade into the background like the little coward he was. The second one, Big Dog, had the tender sweetness of a pit bull and was one hell of a fighter. Hero knew he could stand toe-to-toe against the massive, shaggy-looking asshole. But he’d rather not.
The one that worried him was Baby Face.
Walking ahead of the other two, Baby Face was average size with a pretty face the girls loved. And he could draw them to him like a bee charmer, all honey and smiles.
His pretty face concealed a black heart. A more sadistic little fucker Hero hadn’t met. What he lacked in size, he made up for in savagery. He was good with knives and could take most down with his blades before they even realized they were bleeding out.
He’d cut up many a club slut, too.
That they were here for Razor’s daughter had him wondering what the hell was going on. Why were the Cottonmouths after the girl?
When she darted out of another shop - he didn’t know which store it was - his heart sank to see them right on her heels. Hero sped up, hoping his backup got there fucking fast.
Baby Face called out to her. When she didn’t stop, he did it again.
Don’t stop.
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