by Anne Kane

We're going camping for a long weekend! I'm not sure what that means but I bet it'll be fun.

Mum is really excited. She's been doing strange things all week. She got a tent out of the shed and put it up and then took it down again. She seemed quite pleased that all the pieces were there. As if she'd been worried that maybe, some of the long metal sticks might have wandered off on their own. Being metal, there's not much chance Merlin or I took them, they taste funny so it looked like a waste of time to me, but then I've noticed that authors tend to be a little strange.

Merlin and I think camping has something to do with food, because she's got a little pile of foodstuff in the middle of the kitchen table, along with a plate, a bowl, a mug and a knife, fork and spoon. We hope there's steak coming, but we're willing to settle for a nice BBQ'd chicken. She can eat the crackers and dip. Onions give me indigestion, although Merlin seems willing to eat just about anything. (including shoes)

She took all the water guns out of the big blue cooler and spent an hour cleaning it up. She never did put the water guns back in it so we really don't understand what the point of that was. Maybe she just forgot. She isn't getting any younger, you know.

She also filled a dozen pop bottles with water and put them in the freezer. She obviously mistook the freezer for the fridge. I hope she realizes how hard it's going to be to drink those when they turn solid. Even I know it's not a good idea to put liquids in the freezer!

Is any of this making sense to you, or should Merlin and I be worried? I tried to distract her with the tennis ball, and Merlin has been squeaking his squirrel toy like crazy but she looks like she's having fun so we hate to stop her. She's very generous with the treats when she's having fun!

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