by Anne Kane

You were expecting the dog, weren't you? Sorry to disappoint, but the little miss is feeling kind of under the weather this month. She's not as young as she used to be, you know. And, that new little buddy or hers? Well, he's glued to her side, as devoted as a dog (pardon the pun). It's sickening!

My name is Jeff, and yes, I'm a cat. A really big, fluffy, adorable cat. Since I have your undivided attention this month, I thought I could regale you with tales of my summer activities.

It was a truly wonderful two months. My days all follow much the same pattern. In the morning, I would wake and jump up on the dryer for my morning brushing. The author does not get to have her coffee until after she gives me a nice brushing and serves up my breakfast. I like fish for breakfast. There's a lovely variety of it in little cans at the pet food store. If the author dares to give me the same type two days in a row, I turn up my nose and yowl loud enough to wake the dead. Or the neighbors. For some reason she doesn't like to bother the neighbors.

Once I've been brushed and enjoyed my morning meal, I go outside and bask in the sun on the front porch. I like to listen to the people commenting on how beautiful I am as they walk by. At noon, the sun is no longer hitting the front porch so I have to go around the back patio in order to have my afternoon snooze. Sometimes, if I'm feeling generous, I stop by the author's office and let her pet me for a few minutes. It's always a good idea to let the underlings think I appreciate what they do for me.

By sixish, I'm ready for my dinner and heaven help the author if it's not in my dish on time. I am a very important cat, and I don't like to be kept waiting. I do have claws, and I've been known to use them when I'm not pleased. Just ask that little upstart Merlin. He actually tried to chase me once!

After dinner, I have a nice nap in preparation for bedtime. It's tough being the only cat to boss an entire household around!

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