A Reckless Gift (Peppermint Twist 6)

Author: Ayla Ruse
Cover Art: Renee' George
BIN: 07203-02321
Genres: Hot Flash, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Christmas, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft
Series: Peppermint Twist (#6)
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 35
Reckless, known only as Mr. Rec, is an elf known for following the rules and toeing the line. He has a rocky past, and order ensures him a safe and secure future. That is, until he steps in as the department head in the Otherworld Weapons Gift Department in the North Pole and meets an elf who threatens to push all his boundaries.
Lacy loves her job as a leather crafter. The day Mr. Rec comes in to take over, however, is the day her world starts falling apart. How can she want the very elf who makes her madder than hell?
One thrives on command. The other, chaos. When the two come together, will they burn bright like the North Star, or will their spark burn out before Christmas morn?
"Even though they couldn't keep from making each other crazy, they also couldn't stop wanting each other despite their differences...the sex scenes were hot and so enjoyable... I think you will enjoy it just as much if not more. I have to say I look at elves a whole different way now!"
A Reckless Gift (Peppermint Twist)
Ayla Ruse
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2014 Ayla Ruse
"Hi, Mr. Rec. Didn't think we'd see you here tonight."
Rec nodded and sat down at the bar next to one of his hard-working employees. "Hi, Noysen. I know I said I'd pass on the Christmas party, but... let's say I changed my mind." If coming here because Santa ordered him to do so could be called changing his mind. He'd much rather be at home, planning how he'd get a certain little Elf over to his place.
"Glad to hear it, even if our department don't celebrate quite like those Elves who make presents for humans," Noysen commented.
"I'm seeing that." Rec took in the darkened, oversized convention room, the loud music and questionable-in-public cries and moans. Contrary to what his employees must think, the atmosphere didn't make him uncomfortable. It brought back memories.
Noysen chuckled and hefted an oversized mug of ale. "Santa -- he knows his Elves, ya know? Take our department. We make weapons for aliens and demons alike. With the kind of shit we see, you think we'd want to sit around fancy decorated tables and sip eggnog for fun?"
Rec barked out an unexpected laugh as the picture formed in his head. "You have that right. It'd be like imagining one of those Elves coming here."
"That's why we're surprised you're here, Mr. Rec," Hoyden, another employee, interjected from two seats down.
Rec signaled for an ale. "How do you mean?"
"You're a manager, don't get me wrong. Our weapons department is running smoother than Iliaran oil right now. But I've always seen you as one of those fancy types."
Rec twitched his lips. "I suppose you have a point. I don't mind those gatherings; I've been attending them for years." He sipped his ale and debated before adding, "In my younger days, I saw my share of back-alley fun. Besides, I like to kick back and relax as much as the next Elf."
The Elves grunted their agreement and drank their ales.
After a few minutes, Hoyden cut his eyes at Rec. "There's some awfully pretty Tipped Ears here tonight. Many are from The Leanings."
Rec gave a short nod and a tight smile. He understood perfectly what Hoyden referred to. The Tipped Ears would be the pretty female Elves, and from The Leanings meant they were from the outskirts of the North Pole. Rec knew about Santa's arrangement from when he was a wee little Elf and living in The Leanings himself. Not that many others knew about his past, but Rec remembered how excited all those Elves became this time of year. If invited, they could come to these parties and work -- in a wide variety and loose definition of services -- and be compensated enough to get them through the rest of the harsh winter.
"There sure are, Mr. Hoyden," Rec answered. "If you find yourself with one, remember to be respectful and very appreciative."
Rec bid the Elves a Merry Christmas, snagged his drink and made his way around the room. He stopped every once in a while to say hi or to wish another a good season. He bypassed the shady corners where the pretty Tipped Ears were earning their wages, and he politely declined several intimate offers from others. Any other time he might have given in to temptation to ease her comfort and his -- as well as pad her pretty pockets with coin -- but for the past month one Elf in particular had taken over his every waking thought.
Lacy. A svelte little Elf with the longest, pointiest ears he'd ever known. She had a pert nose, slanted eyes and full lips that had him mesmerized the last time he'd seen her snacking on a peppermint stick. Her hands were gifts all in themselves, being able to craft a piece of demon leather like he'd never seen.
But she could be a rabble-rouser and a prankster, and when he came into the department and started setting things right, she'd balked. She'd even tried to tell him what to do. He'd let her know fast he didn't appreciate that treatment.
But more than that had been his growing desire for her. Even though there were no steadfast rules on relationships between co-workers, Rec had always kept his business and pleasure separate. His desire for Lacy had grown to the point that in their last confrontation, he'd broken out in a sweat to keep from hauling her pert little ass up against the wall and fucking her into obedience. Knowing he'd been at a breaking point, he'd asked -- no, he'd begged -- Santa to reassign her. He'd gotten his wish, and he'd not seen one black, purple-tipped hair of the little Elf in nearly two weeks. It should have calmed him down. Instead, not seeing her every day drove him nuts.
Another pretty Tipped Ear approached him, and when he turned her down, she huffed and stomped off. Kinda reminded him of Lacy and made his cock stir.
Again he thought about how Lacy had stood on her little tiptoes and shouted in his face when he told her she'd been reassigned. A tight smile crossed his lips. She was still pissed. He knew because for the past week, she'd left reminders on his doorstep in the form of sculpted miniatures depicting his death at the hands of various demons and Otherworlders. She never left her name, but he knew her exquisite craftsmanship anywhere...
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