Submissions Guidelines
We are currently accepting submissions for Contemporary, Paranormal, and Sci-Fi Women's Fiction Romance, high heat level: Action Adventure, Suspense, MC Romance, Medical Romance, Rock Star Romance, Romantic Comedy, Dark Comedy, Dark Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Magic, Sorcery and Witchcraft, Cyber-Punk, Reverse Harem, LGBTQA+, Mpreg, Steampunk, Werewolves, Shifters, and Vampires. All submissions must be romance, and targeted for an 0ver 18 Female audience.
Submissions Checklist (Please copy/paste into your submissions email and fill out completely):
· Legal Name:
· Pen Name:
· Email Address:
· Publishing History (Including buy links):
· Genres: (Must be from the website)
· Themes: (Must be from the website)
· Length: (Submissions must be between 20,000 and 40,000 words)
· Series Length: (How many books in this series or serial are already complete?)
· Blurb: (Not a plot summary. One to two paragraphs, no more than 500 words.)
· Promo Plan: (Include links to your current website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, etc)
· Social Media: (Please provide links to your two most active social media sites)
Please attach your completed manuscripts to your email as an RTF (Rich Text File) or txt (Text) file. We do not open DOCX files.
· Content must be legal for an over 18 audience and geared toward a primarily female readership.
· We do not accept simultaneous submissions (Authors should not send the same book to several publishers at the same time).
· We do not accept previously published works as new submissions.
· We accept submissions via email only.
Margaret Riley
Publisher & Submissions Editor
submissions.changelingpress (at)
Please Note: We will not accept illegal/barely legal activities, including incest, underage relationships, school girl fantasies, rape, or anything that un-empowers women (or men). NO still means no at Changeling.
WE WILL NOT read or return paper submissions for any reason. If you do not have the means to communicate with us electronically you cannot participate in editing, marketing, and promotions.