Darker (Maw of Mayhem MC 2)
A Maw of Mayhem Shifter MC Romance

Author: AK Nevermore
Cover Art: Marteeka Karland
BIN: 011104-03613
Genres: Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
Themes: Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, MC Romance, Murder Mystery, New Adult, Shapeshifters, Vampires
Series: Maw of Mayhem MC (#2)
Book Length: Novel
Page Count: 167
So much for sanctuary. Kit Parson doesn’t feel any safer than she was before she first stepped into the Maw of Mayhem, and things are going from bad to worse. Something big is definitely going down in the paranormal community… and inside Kit. Now that her inner beast has awoken, all it wants is out. The only thing Kit wants is Grim, but he’s got issues of his own.
Fingered for a crime he didn’t commit and injured by the witch’s spell, his cat Darke has control of their form. He doesn’t play well with others, and tensions with the crew are at an all-time high.
With the witches’ elite assassins on their trail, can Darke and the crew put aside their differences to keep Kit safe and get back to the MC? And as the clock ticks toward the vote with Grim’s reputation in shambles, will there be an MC to go back to?
Praise for Darker (Maw of Mayhem MC 2)
"Honestly the book was an amazing sequel to the first book. It had the perfect amount of spice and character development between Kit/Kat."
-- 5 Stars from Heaven Martin, Goodreads Review
"This is a wonderfully written book! I absolutely loved the characters and their banter and snark! It will leave you in stitches! This is an action packed full of spice with a great plot! Also, it ends on another cliffhanger! Brace yourselves!"
-- 5 Stars from Between the Covers, Goodreads Review
"Sexy shifter must-read! Yum, totally devoured this [in] a matter of hours... It’s all the right types of spicy, it’s got a great story with shifters, witches, and vampires. I am so invested in this story and all the characters that I cannot wait for the next book."
-- 5 Stars from Christina, Amazon Review
"Nevermore never stops amazing me with her snarky wit and great story plots. Vampires, witches and shifters come together to make this yet another must read."
-- 5 Stars from Stacy M Manning, Amazon Review
"PNR MC with lots of action, drama, and attitude! This series is awesome! Shifters, vampires, witches, and humans are fighting each other for supremacy. Grim and Kit are shifters who have an interesting relationship with their inner beasts and between them as she grows into her role as his queen. There’s so much snark, banter, and drama that I laughed at their antics. Action packed from start to finish with the story ending on another cliffhanger."
-- 5 Stars from Merilu Keenum, Amazon Review
"I loved the storyline, the twists, the spice and everything with this MC novel! I will now be going down the Shifter MC romance rabbit hole! Thank you for an amazing read A.K Nevermore!"
-- 4 Stars from Tishana Wright, Amazon Review
"The author has continued the heart pounding story that pulls us into the lives of Grim/Darke and Kit/Kat. The story keeps us turning the pages with secrets, danger, curses and supernatural beings."
-- 5 Stars from jjohn, Amazon Review
"So many secrets, surprises, betrayal, lies and nonstop action left me catching my breath time and again. This is a series that I highly recommend. It has everything you could want in a shifter book and MC book."
-- 5 Stars from Linda, Amazon Review
"...kept me turning pages, I was not putting this engaging story down until I was finished. There is drama, suspense, secrets, danger, curses, supernatural beings and romance."
-- 5 Stars from Barbara W, Kobo Review
"The perfect blend of spice and character development kept me thoroughly engaged from start to finish, leaving me eager for more. What stood out most was the delightful banter and chemistry between the characters, adding depth and charm to the narrative. It's refreshing to see cat shifters take center stage and receive the attention they deserve."
-- 5 Stars from Rebel L, Kobo Review
"This was a very suspenseful read for me with all the action. It kept me hooked and turning the pages, I just couldn't put this book down."
-- 5 Stars from Kelly S, Kobo Review
"Great story."
-- 5 Stars from booklover1952, Kobo Review
"The relationship between Grim and Kit and their inner beasts is very interesting. There’s a lot of banter, snarkiness and drama that will have readers laughing out loud. This is an action filled story from the very start to the story's end."
-- 4 Stars from Noemi, Amazon Review
"This book is very spicy, much more than Grimdarke. I loved watching Kat and Darke convincing their human selves to hurry the relationship along. With Kat stuck inside Kit, the female’s frustration lent itself to hilarious banter. Overall, I highly recommend Darker to paranormal romance and spicy urban fantasy readers."
-- 5+ Stars from Patty, N.N. Light's Book Heaven Book Review
"This is a fab continuation of the prequel and is quite gritty and action packed. Kit and Grim are complicated characters and the author did a fab job layering a complex plot to fully suck you in. Grim and Kit have witty banter that's really fun, but he also has banter with his inner cat. So much catitude."
-- 5 Stars from Lisa Bing, Goodreads Review
Darker (Maw of Mayhem MC 2)
AK Nevermore
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 AK Nevermore
Shades of the past tore through the consciousness Darke shared with his man, threatening to swallow Grim whole. He fought against their poisoned bite, but the witch’s spell had weakened the big cat’s skin-brother and freed the memories from their fetters. They lashed at Grim with inky black tentacles of torment. His agonized screams rose within the crescendoing squall, raging through their split psyche. A growl welled in Darke’s chest, ruff bristling at their assault.
-- Mine! -- he snarled, lunging into the fray. Sharp claws and teeth rent the shadowed memories of the bad time from his man, scattering them back into the depths of their mind. Grim was his. Him. A self separate, yet one. His skin-brother. Darke nuzzled him close, tongue rasping over Grim’s flickering light.
-- heal --
Kit… his man whimpered, curling into a ball. His light dimmed, giving up control of their form to the big cat.
-- ours -- Darke rumbled, shifting their body and sending Grim what strength he could. Fur sprouted, limbs cracking and reforming. Two legs became four, and a tawny gray mountain lion lay sprawled on the bed where the others had lain his man to recover.
Within, his skin-brother’s light strengthened, its low glow holding steady.
Darke ran a paw over his face, licking at his pad. He sneezed at the scent of old blood, the room thick with the patina of its tang and the decaying musk of the undead. A low growl rumbled in his chest, his pupils dilating to take in the room’s blend of muted color.
Heavy furniture dominated the space, its angles stark amidst the gloom. Tendrils of scent threaded through the room, age and linseed seeping from the wood to twine with the rest of the civilized rot assaulting his nose. He pushed off the bed, padding across the thick carpet. His shadow grayed the fingers of scant moonlight streaming in from long, amber-tinted windows.
Darke paused, his lip curling over his canines, disdainfully eyeing the city spread out below him before turning his face to the bulbous moon.
Had Grim’s female changed and released her animal?
Clay’s cat had promised Darke a mate. Teased him with her scent, captured within the weft of the afghan on Grim’s bed. The desperate longing it evoked proved the connection. The tip of Darke’s tail twitched. He’d trusted it would be so. Waited for so long. Too long. Kit’s scent matched the afghan’s. That meant the beast within her was his.
Darke chuffed his frustration. Sensing his mate without being able to claim her was torture. He paced the breadth of the room, eyes narrowed at the heavy oaken door leading out. Beyond it, faint voices pricked at his ears. Part of his skin-brother’s pride was near. His crew. Darke growled at the snippets of the MC’s inner cats’ near-unintelligible murmuring punctuating the two-legged babble. That he could understand the crew’s stupid yapping better than his own brethren’s yowls irked.
A pang of loneliness shot through Darke’s chest. He missed Clay. When his father’s inner lion had spoken, his deep rumble was clarion. The lynxes out there? Yowls and hissing. Darke could pick out maybe one hard-won word in six, and they couldn’t understand him at all. It had been the same with his littermates, Grapple and Shiv, leaving Darke to rely on instinct when forced to interact.
It got him into trouble. Lynxes were shady and the two-leggers lied. Said things they didn’t mean, then hurt you. Clay had been different, but he was dead while his murderer walked free.
Darke shivered, ears flicking back, remembering the bad time. The man who called himself their uncle needed to die, and Grapple and Shiv with him.
Darke’s temper spiked, his tail swishing. Keenly feeling the loss locked within his mind again, in this stinking place of undead. His skin-brother shared his sorrow at their father’s murder, but not Darke’s isolation.
And now Grim had left him, too.
Darke shouldered through another door into a smaller room lined with tile. It smelled faintly of excrement and strongly of fabricated pine, the water in the bowl stale and chemical-laced. Darke shook droplets from his maw and chuffed his distaste, returning to the window.
Soft footfalls approached from the beyond the oaken door.
Darke slunk into the deep shadow of an armoire as the heavy slab canted open, then closed. Kit limped to the center of the room, favoring a leg. Her arm was splinted, the opposite hand bandaged in gauze. A ruddy stain marred its whiteness. She wrapped her damaged limbs around herself with a low sob, the scent of fresh blood perfuming the air as she moved. Darke’s nostrils flared at that thread of wrongness twining within the delicate tendrils of citrus, cinnamon, and female musk.
His mate was presenting as wounded prey.
Darke bit back the growl building in his chest, fury pounding through his temples. His claws extended and retracted from the carpet’s thick pile. Healthy, she’d be a tempting prize for any predator. Injured… He was going to kill --
No. Darke’s ears flattened against his skull. His man would think before spilling blood.
But Grim thought too much.
Kit scanned the room, then dashed a hand across her face, stumbling to the bed. Her feet froze at its foot, head snapping toward the bathroom, then away. Another low sob eked from her throat, and Darke’s ruff stood on end. He would destroy them. Destroy them all. Starting with those who had failed to protect --
-- Hey! Boy Vengeance! You really just gonna let her think her think he’s gone? --
Darke jumped, fur bristling at the syrupy censure. He backed deeper into the shadows, eyes wide and pulse pounding.
-- Aww. Here puss, puss, puss… I don’t bite --
His lip curled over a canine, and a female’s mocking laughter flitted through his mind as clearly as the gravelly chuckle of Clay’s beast had. Darke’s heart leaped, his ears pricking forward, saliva pooling in his maw.
He could understand her.
The beast inside Kit, his promised mate -- when she spoke, her words were clear, and she wanted to play.
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