Dragon's Own (Print)

Author: Willa Okati
Cover Art: Renee' George
BIN: 08317-02686
Genres: Futuristic, Print, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Gay, Military, Veterans, and First Responders
Series: Dragon's Own (#5)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 217
Four humans find their lives are not complete without their dragon mates.
Noah's watched the dragons for a long, long time now, and he's not sure what he thinks about them. Are they monsters getting ready to plunder the Earth? Are they planning to help? Are they curious? He doesn't ever think he'll get a chance to find out... but when one of Noah's fellow soldiers trades him to the dragons, Noah finds himself in the care and keeping of a dragon who's most definitely only interested in finding out as much as he can about humans.
A veteran of the war in search of a hero's welcome, Collin finds himself S.O.L. The man he could have fallen in love with didn't come home with him, and Collin's left without a direction. What does a soldier do when the fight's over? Why, he finds a new challenge. A dragon. His dragon.
Alan's an ex-soldier in search of a better life. Traveling as far away from the crowded cities as he can, he finds a small slice of paradise at the ocean's edge -- and Sian, a misfit dragon without a way back home.
Baen's never met a human, and as a wary, watchful dragon who's always kept himself to himself, he's not inclined to like the exuberant frontiersmen and women. Still, he cannot deny an instant connection with Kenth that tempts him to stay with this group of pioneers and create a new life of his own...
The Dragon's Own boxed set contains the previously released novellas Dragon's Dare, Dragon's Delight, Dragon's Deal, and Dragon's Devotion.
"Kinky and erotic, Dragon's Dare once again displays Ms. Okati's unique imagination and ability to create a satisfying tale in just a few short pages with the maximum amount of eroticism."
"This story is a playful escapade with a creative twist toward the end... I do recommend you try this unique and entertaining story. It promises to please and make you laugh."
"Dragon's Dare is a delightful teaser filled with humor and steamy sex. Willa Okati provides you with a sufficient amount of this alluring story to rouse an increase in your temperature and a yearning for more. Very impressive read."
"This was a sexually smoldering story as the passion between Noah and Zacharei burns up the pages. I would recommend this one to anyone looking for something to snuggle up with on a cold winter's night as this will definitely keep you warm. I loved it."
"Noah is a soldier that knows his fate but hates that he was taken by a fellow Freedom Fighter for trade. Zacharei is a young dragon that is just a bit curious. Together they made me laugh. I really enjoyed these two together."
"Dragon's Delight is a beautiful heartwarming story of loss and gain... The very talented Willa Okati presents another magnificent tale of love, humor and the intimate emotional connection of Collin and Avalier's body, mind and soul bonding."
"Both male characters are fully developed in this short work, with complex feelings and valid emotions. Their attraction for one another is completely believable and quite touching, and the sex scenes are hot and well-written. No flaws here - just a great, tightly written story of one man and one man-dragon finding peace and happiness together in a world set far in the future. Great job, Ms. Okati!"
"Dragon's Delight is a fascinating blend of post-apocalyptic, futuristic, and paranormal. My only complaint with Dragon's Delight is that it ended too soon!"
"The love these two share is remarkable and makes you wish to find that one person that can make you feel as if you can do anything."
"I especially like the fact that you can read this book all by itself and still follow along, although the series is well worth the effort and is highly recommended. Of course, if you've read the first two in this series then you know how hot a Dragon's Deal is as well."
"Dragon's Deal is another hot, fun installment of Willa Okati's Dragons series. It's completely stand-alone, but be warned, reading Dragon's Deal will probably make you want to read the other books in the series!"
"The relationship that grows between the two is one of those love stories that are a joy to read about. It's a funny and touching story full of eroticism and acceptance of one another's differences in a fictional world full of rejection and war."
"I thought this was a fantastic story."
"Willa Okati delivers another heartwarming and enjoyable episode in Dragon's Devotion."
"This story gave warmth and emotion from the first scene to the last, leaving a lovely happy ever after between two strong and sexy men. I definitely recommend this quick and satisfying read."
"Kenth is so soft hearted when it comes to others. Baen is just like a bull in a china shop. They even out each other. Such a great combination and it works so well in this story."
Dragon's Own
Willa Okati
All rights reserved.
Excerpt from Dragon's Dare
Copyright ©2018 Willa Okati
"I still don't like this," a low female voice protested. She sounded more like a reasonable type. "We've got no idea that this kind of nonsense will help us at all."
"No? Then tell me, how could it hurt?" Dob asked with the kind of patience he'd show to a slow-witted child.
"Might not be so great if the dragons don't like traitors," the woman replied dryly. "Dob, I'll be plain. This is insane. Noah and his vigilantes have been doing a hell of a lot of good."
"I'm among their numbers," Dob protested. "This is my way of helping."
The woman snorted eloquently. "I still don't like it."
"You don't have to. Listen to me. The last of the World Wars has nearly finished us, the humans. Little food, little water, little safety. If we are to last another generation, we must have help."
"And you think the dragons are the answer?"
"Why not? You know that dragons are rich, that they have caves of wonders full of treasures."
"Money's worthless," the woman pointed out. Noah rolled to his stomach, ignoring the protests of pain from his ribs, and propped his chin on his forearm. Whoever this was, he liked her. She had common sense.
Hmm. Maybe I can use her…
"Money is not the point." Noah had his doubts that Dob believed that. After all, hadn't he demanded a high price from these city survivors for providing them with a human gift for the dragons, claiming that for sacrifice to mean anything they had to give up things that mattered to them?
Noah smothered a laugh. Dob still didn't have a clue, did he?
Dob paused, as if trying to figure that out, then made an impatient "tch" noise and went on. "Enough of this. I know what I'm doing. Noah!" He banged on the door. "We are coming in. Do not attack, do not fight, do not try to run."
The lock spun, and the heavy steel door creaked slowly open. Dob peeked around it, so comically wide-eyed with fear that Noah couldn't help hooting at him.
"What's funny?" Dob demanded, pursing his lips sourly, like he'd been sucking on lemon rinds. He shoved the door far enough open to be able to walk through. A skinny, nervous man and a sturdy woman, perhaps in her late twenties or early thirties, followed him. "Is your head cracked?"
"You're asking me?" Noah rolled his eyes, knowing it was petty but would drive Dob up the wall. He stood, stretching his arms above his head. "Skip the speech about how it's a far, far better fate that I'm going to, okay? I get the idea."
Dob actually looked offended. "It is a better fate!"
"It's not the best of all possible options for him," the woman murmured.
"You shut your mouth! Noah, what you will do for us by going to the dragons, it might save all our lives. They are mighty, they are fearsome, and if they will help us by protecting the cities, then we humans may survive after all."
Noah had to admit Dob's reasoning would sound good to any outsider. Not to him. He knew, all too well, that in the end this all just boiled down to greed and fear, Dob wanting to get the dragons on his side.
He gazed at Dob until Dob fell silent, his bluster drying up and leaving a heavy, uncomfortable gap between them. He glanced at the woman behind Dob and mouthed tell the others during a second in which Dob cleared his throat and looked away, a faint, dull red coloring his cheeks.
The woman nodded once. Good enough.
Noah held his head high. "Let's get this over with. Take me to the dragons." He wouldn't run, and he wouldn't beg. He'd face the dragons like a man, a real man, and he'd fight the good fight, the honest fight.
He hung on to his resolution even as they shoved and wrestled him through the filthy city streets -- their idea, not his, as he came quietly. Gobs of slimy garbage from mockers splattered him, skinny dogs barked at his heels, and old women cackled at his plight.
Noah didn't flinch when they arrived at the gate between worlds through which he'd travel to dragon space -- or so Dob and his followers figured. The few times the dragons had come to nose around humans or been spotted circling in the skies above, they'd emerged through one of these breaks in reality where their two worlds overlapped like two sheets of paper laid one atop the other.
"Good luck, my friend," Dob had the gall to say as he tried to push Noah toward the arched, shimmering gate. "Before they… well, before the dragons take their due, tell them why you're there, and what you ask of them for our sakes."
"Why don't you come along with me and ask them yourself?" Noah invited, pleased at the way Dob blanched.
He wasn't anywhere near as happy with Dob's hard push between his shoulder blades that sent him stumbling forward, then tumbling through the bizarre gap into dragon space. He'd never taken drugs, knowing they weren't safe -- especially in these post-war times -- but grief, this had to be what a bad high felt like. Or perhaps this was what Alice felt, tumbling down the rabbit hole. Pure whiteness with no walls, ceiling or floors or horizons, yawning out forever, seeming to have no end --
-- until, with a heavy thump and jolt, Noah landed. The journey had either taken days or merely seconds. No telling.
As it was, he barely had time to realize he'd made it, that he was in the dragon lands, before huge yellow eyes stared unblinkingly into his.
"Well, well," the dragon rumbled, its forked tongue flickering as it spoke. "What new treasure is this? Is it for eating?"
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