Fire & Ice Christmas

Author: Megan Slayer
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 010585-03440
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Big Beautiful Women, Christmas, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 45
Holly, mistletoe, big fir trees… plus fire and ice?
When it comes to Christmas, Isla is vital. She’s the water elemental in control of creating Christmas snow and ice. She frosts the windows and adds the perfect bit of snow to the trees. But being a water elemental in control of ice makes romance difficult. She can’t get close to anyone without putting on the big freeze. She needs the perfect man to balance her ice with a little heat.
Enter Fieren. The fire elemental knows she’s his counterpart, but they haven’t always gotten along. This Christmas he’s determined to forge a connection with Isla and make this chance last far beyond the holidays.
Magic happens at Christmas, and Fieren wants to make this one a holiday for the ages.
Praise for Fire & Ice Christmas
"Enjoyable bite sized Christmas story. Easy read, with good description of main characters. Quick read, no losing sleep, unless you start your read at bedtime."
-- 5 Stars from Klynn, Booksprout Review
"Fire & Ice Christmas was a fun little holiday fairy tale of a novella and it was fun and festive and sexy, to cut a long story short it is a great snow bunny winter break diversion!"
-- 5 Stars from Di Ketchup, Booksprout Review
"Fire & Ice Christmas by Megan Slayer is a good, and enjoyable holiday paranormal romantic comedy read. The story has a good story line. The characters are good, and they have good chemistry. This is Isla and Fieren's story. They both are opposite elementals that Santa puts together for the holiday party. The story has some really good banter."
-- 5 Stars from Kimberly, Amazon Review
"Loved Fieren and Isla, opposite elementals that Santa puts together for the Christmas Eve Elf Party. They compliment each other in so many ways. Plenty of great banter, steam and ice, a few roadblocks that have to be overcome and strong feelings. Terrific ending and wished it was a longer read."
-- 5 Stars from JLH, Amazon Review
"This is the fifth book I've read written by Megan Slayer; I can’t wait to read more of her books. She has written a good holiday short story."
-- 5 Stars from Jeanne Richardson, Amazon Review
"I loved how these two balanced each other out, in more ways than one. It does move quickly–the characters going from nothing to declaring forever love, but it was a sweet Christmas story that made me smile. If you’re looking for a holiday-themed coffee break book, then I can definitely recommend this one."
-- Moonflower, Long and Short Reviews
Fire & Ice Christmas
Megan Slayer
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2022 Megan Slayer
“You have to convince him to play along.” Santa nodded once. “Isla?”
She knew when she’d been summoned to the great ballroom that it was a mistake to answer the summons. She’d had the feeling she’d get conned into doing something. Santa didn’t make requests often, but when he did, they were doozies. This wasn’t going to be easy. Not by a long shot.
“We need him to make the sparkle and crackle for the party.” Santa shook his head. “Isla, you’re the only one who can convince him. He’s sweet on you. I bet he’d bend over backward for you.”
Isla folded her arms. She wasn’t fond of being pushed, but Santa knew how to get to her. Sweet on her. Fieren? Not possible. Bend over backward for her? Not a chance. She crooked her eyebrow. “How do you know this?”
“I’ve talked to him.” Santa rested his hands on his hips. His thick red suit jiggled when he laughed, and the fur pulled tight across his belly. “He tells me all sorts of things. It’s a gift because I’m Santa. Everyone one has a wish.”
“Right. And I’m his wish?” More like he wished she’d go far away. She knew Fieren too well. They might not be enemies -- rivals was a better term for it -- but he wasn’t fond of her.
“You’d be surprised.” Santa’s eyes twinkled. “We need both of you to help with the party. It won’t be Christmas Eve for the elves if there isn’t any fire or snow. That’s your forte. You bring the ice, snow and frost, while Fieren brings the fire. You can do it, and he’ll want to help.”
“Christmas Eve is tomorrow night. That’s a tall order, me conning him into helping. Especially for one night.” She shook her head. “I don’t think it’s feasible.”
A vision of Fieren filled her mind. The man was so annoying. He argued with her, constantly melted her ice, and she swore the flicker in his eyes never left. He went out of his way to make her life miserable. What was worse, he was handsome as hell and knew it. He wore his jet-black hair short on the sides and a little long on top, so it flipped over his brow, giving him a rakish appearance. His dark eyes twinkled, and his cropped moustache and beard added to his attractiveness. He walked with a swagger and wore his clothes tight enough that anyone could see he exercised.
He was sex on legs.
Every girl in Peppermint Valley wanted him, but none had him -- least of all her.
Did she want him?
No. He could take those sexy eyes and muscles somewhere else.
She bit back a groan. No matter how hard she tried, she’d never ignore the fact she did like him. He drove her nuts, but she wanted to get closer to him. Of course, she did…
Santa folded his arms, matching her stance. “Well? Are you going to do it?”
She didn’t want to. She was a proud elemental. An ice princess, of sorts. She flicked her fingers and snow appeared. What did she want with an annoying, know-it-all fire elemental who wore that suit way too well?
“Isla?” Santa tipped his head. “You’re thinking about it. You’re the only one who can create perfect Christmas snow. It’s all you. The ice isn’t as sparkly unless you’re the one who makes it, and the frost you make on the windows is top-notch. You’re my best ice elemental.”
She spied Fieren across the room. He’d shown up, eh? Of course, he had. Probably because Santa had called him. More like Satan… She swept her gaze over Fieren. He’d donned a blood-red suit, complete with a red-and-green plaid vest and his shiny dress shoes. He reminded her of a cross between the devil and a fire god, mixed with a businessman. Her mouth watered. Why did he have to look so good? Why did he have to be so… Fieren?
“Isla?” Santa laughed, and his belly really did jiggle like a bowl full of jelly. “Thank you.”
“I never said I would.” She hadn’t agreed at all.
“I can see it in your eyes. I’ll leave it to you,” Santa said. “I expect to see you both at the party tomorrow -- with the fire and ice.”
She gritted her teeth as Fieren approached. She hadn’t agreed to ask Fieren. Hadn’t even wanted to be around him. But here she was.
“Santa.” Fieren smirked. “I keep telling you we need to have a tropical Christmas this year. Do you know how many people would love that as the theme? The elves could show some skin, we could swim, barbeque, have fruit. It’d be a blast.”
She cleared her throat. Fieren knew she was standing there. He also knew the ways of the cosmos. Christmas meant snow. She made that snow. He had the summer, but she got the winter.
Santa chuckled. “You’re in fine form, Fieren.”
“Why not? It’s a great day for a little heat.” Fieren slid his gaze over to Isla. “You’re here.”
“Yes. I’m here.” She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “We need to speak.”
“What are we doing right now?” Fieren asked. “I’m talking. You’re talking.”
“I’m walking.” Santa waved and left them alone in the ballroom.
Of course, he was. Santa liked to start issues, then leave when they heated up. “Yeah.”
“Why are you so frosty?” Fieren asked. “Oh, wait. You’re an ice elemental. You’re supposed to be.” He laughed. “I crack me up.”
“You annoy the hell out of me.” Santa had to be half out of his mind to think she’d convince Fieren to help her. “What brings you to Peppermint Valley? Got tired of tanning?” Wit wasn’t her strong point.
“I’ve tanned all over. I’d ask if you want to look, but you’re so shy.” He clicked his tongue. “I’m here because the old elf asked me to show up. He’s vacated, so I’m not sure what he wanted. Looks like you and I are the only ones here.”
She gazed about. Shit. He was right.
He raked his fingers through his hair, making the action both effortless and sexy. “Are you reconsidering a snowy holiday? How about one with sand, sun and swimsuits?”
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