Raven's Song (Print) (Arcane Talents Print 1)
An Arcane Talents Prequel

Author: Angela Knight
Cover Art: Angela Knight
BIN: 011098-03611
ISBN (13): 978-1-60521-890-8
Genres: Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Futuristic, Paranormal, Print, Romance, Sci-Fi , Suspense
Themes: Alternative Universe, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, Military, Veterans, and First Responders, Rock Star Romance, Shapeshifters
Series: Arcane Talents Print (#1)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 152
Raven Garland is a rock star with a voice that is literally magical. She’s also got a serious problem: she’s being stalked by her ex. Ewan Bradley’s magical abilities and powerful father make him a deadly threat, forcing her to hire a seductive bodyguard with powers of his own. Nate Carter can use his Primo magic to increase his physical strength to superhuman levels -- and he needs every bit of that power to keep Raven alive. Besides her nasty ex, there’s the lethal costar with anger issues and a mystical link to a bulletproof tiger.
To make matters worse, Nate is slowly falling in love with his client. The passion seems mutual, but Raven’s love affairs have a notoriously short shelf life. For all his strength, Nate doesn’t think he can take becoming her latest fling. Raven wants her handsome bodyguard as far more than a temporary lover, but how can she convince him to trust her when he knows her magical voice can make him believe whatever she wants? Nate knows in real life, the good guy doesn’t always get the girl.
Praise for Raven's Song (Arcane Talents)
"...a hero that has backbone no matter what is thrown at him and he stands strong."
-- 5 Stars from Di Kecup, Booksprout Review
"Another good read from this author. This is set in the Arcane Hearts world but can be read alone. This author has a talent for building intricate and exciting worlds. You will not be disappointed with Raven and Nate’s story."
-- 4 Stars from AnotherDayInParadise, Amazon Review
"...an action and adventure paranormal dark fantasy Rockstar romantic suspense. This book is a good page turner and a good read."
-- 4 Stars from Manisha, Amazon Review
"The story is nicely developed with depth and creativity. The author does an amazing job with building this world and the plot. The characters are combustible. The story is very captivating with suspense, action, passion and good twists. I love every bit of it."
-- 4 Stars from Mary, Amazon Review
"I just love this world. I love a great magical story, add in the bodyguard and I am all in! Raven needs a bodyguard and Nate is perfect for her. It takes a bit for them to come around but it is worth it. I love when the guy actually gets the girl. This is an Amazing addition to the Arcane Talents World."
-- 5 Stars from sissyj59, Amazon Review
"Four books in and still going strong in the Arcane Talents series, this entry had what I had enjoyed from the previous books. The characters were great and the writing style was really well done. I look forward to reading more."
-- 5 Stars from Kathryn, Amazon Review
"Nate and Raven have some seriously steamy chemistry, which I always enjoy in a book. What makes this book (and this series) so special is how unlike it is from anything out there. Magical humans that can influence and control with their voice, create magic with motion or manifest tiger familiars are just some of the phenomenon that make up the mythology of this series. A terrific and unique read."
-- 5 Stars from JennT, Amazon/Booksprout Review
"I was really impressed that this erotic romance had a solid and complicated plot. Readers looking for a different, interesting and magical world style of paranormal story should find this book really fits the bill. While there are other books set in this world this can easily be picked up by itself and this is an author, I’d certainly be happy to read more from. Recommended."
-- 4 Stars from Fern, Long and Short Reviews
Raven's Song (Arcane Talents) (Print)
Second Edition
Angela Knight
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Angela Knight
Los Angeles
January 3, 1994
Nathan Carter watched the woman he loved kiss another man.
Raven Garland lay sprawled among sheets of crimson silk, eyes closed, full lips parted on a gasp as the muscular blond braced above her. Her lover pressed biting kisses to the angle of her delicate jaw, and she gripped his bare shoulders, scarlet nails digging into his skin. Her sweat-sheened body seemed to glow in the light from dozens of candles that surrounded the brass bed, clustered on the floor, or arranged on the nightstand among drifts of white rose petals.
All the while, her voice -- that amazing three-octave, Grammy-winning voice -- poured from hidden speakers in a sensual purr. “Deep in my Feral heart, where all my passions start, I feel your magic’s call…”
Nate could certainly feel her magic call as he stood in the shadows of the huge room. A call he desperately wanted to answer, even as his common sense told him to stay the fuck away.
Unfortunately, his instincts also told him her lover was going to be a problem. A big, powerfully muscled bastard, Gary Handle was the kind of guy women like Raven would be drawn to.
He wore his dishwater blond hair cropped in a military brush cut that accentuated his square jaw and hawkish nose. He had the gold irises that marked him as a Feral, though his eyes were a bit too small to balance that wide mouth. Good-looking enough, but there was something about Gary that made Nate’s combat-honed instincts howl.
Raven didn’t seem to sense the danger as she stared up at him, entranced, her lush body relaxed and yearning in his arms.
Nate wanted to touch her like that. Wanted to feel the weight of those full breasts, her long dancer’s legs gripping his hips. Just like that.
He also wanted to haul Gary the hell off her and drive his fist into the bastard’s nose. The crunch of cartilage would be intensely satisfying.
Breathing in hard, Nate fought the absurd jealousy. She’s a client. What kind of idiot bodyguard gets jealous of a client? She doesn’t see me as anything but hired muscle. And she’s right.
His inner Neanderthal didn’t give a shit. Nate closed his eyes, trying to control the waves of irrational emotion…
And stiffened. In the darkness behind his closed eyelids, Raven glowed like a torch, the aura of her Bard magic bright to Nate’s Talent senses.
But above her, where Gary Handle should be, a glowing tiger crouched, ears laid back, tail lashing as it stared down at her with vicious intensity.
The spirit of Gary’s dead cat wanted to take a bite out of Raven. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
“Cut!” Roger Timmons called from his place beside the studio camera, his voice taut with frustration. Around him, the rest of the video crew -- the two camera operators, the sound engineer, the lighting crew -- even the hair and makeup girl -- looked just as impatient. “Gary, you flashed her suit top again. We’re trying to create the illusion Raven’s naked, and we can’t do that if fabric shows.” He glowered, eyes narrowing as he bit off every word. “Keep one hand over the top, damn it.”
Handle gave Raven a glittering glare in the blazing lights of the soundstage. “Why don’t you just take it off? Then we wouldn’t have to worry about showing it.”
“No, just my nipples,” Raven said, irritation edging her tone. Even so, her voice sounded rich and seductive, silken as the sheets. And she wasn’t even drawing on the Bard magic that had made her one of the hottest rock stars of the decade.
Gary opened his mouth on a snarl that sounded as if he were on the edge of manifesting his tiger. “You…”
Nate tensed, his bodyguard instincts howling. Too far away. I’m too damn far away if he goes for her… He jolted forward a step.
“Fuck it, take ten,” Timmons said in disgust. “I don’t like this angle anyway. Jack, maybe we should try positioning the camera a little lower…” He turned to the cinematographer, a grizzled older man who was staring at Gary with a troubled frown. Apparently, Jack didn’t like the looks of the Feral either.
“Whatever, man.” Gary rolled from the bed. Giving Raven a glare, he stalked off the bedroom set platform, wearing only a Speedo and a layer of baby oil.
“Jerk,” Raven muttered, and sat up, the sheet falling to her lap, revealing her strapless red bikini. She hunched forward, raking her hands through her hair, her expression tight. The position showed too much gorgeous cleavage for Nate’s peace of mind, and he dragged his gaze away.
He’d done that a lot over the year he’d been Raven’s bodyguard. She fascinated him with that disciplined dancer’s body, quick mind, and the Bard magic that pulsed around her when she performed.
None of which made it easy to stay focused on his job: protecting her from Ewan Bradley, the psycho ex who’d been terrorizing her.
Now, watching Gary pace like a literal tiger in a cage, Nate had the nasty feeling her stalker might be a lot less dangerous than her costar.
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