
Author: Camille Anthony
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 01869-00584
Genres: BDSM, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Themes: Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Gay
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 32
Half god, half mortal and all man, Narcissus is wanted dead, not alive, by a jealous Hera. Sent to kill Narcissus, Eleiades finds himself captivated, intrigued, and enamored for the first time in eons. Now he must decide: quench the flame of love before it ignites or change the game and court the enmity of a goddess?
Camille Anthony
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2007 Camille Anthony
"How pretty you are." Awe rang in the tones of the invisible speaker.
"Yes, I am."
The young man took the statement for granted, his eyes on the wavering, watery reflection of his perfectly molded body. As usual, he could not deny his physique was the ultimate in manly beauty.
"Please… Come closer so I may see you better."
The youth smiled, his full lips stretched in a condescending curve that drew laugh lines at the corner of his wide purple eyes. Standing and moving over to where the lake twisted around to form a deep inlet, he again sank to his knees in the damp soil, careful to lift his tunic above the loamy dirt. He bent over the water, completely missing the creature gazing up at him from under the water. Leaning far over, he caught the rippling reflection of his eyes and couldn't help noticing their clear dark lilac color… so lovely, really… inhumanly beautiful.
"Yes!" The voice now sounded pained. "Indeed, you are beyond beautiful for a mortal. Of a certainty, you can only be Narcissus, son of the mighty Zeus, king of the gods."
"Yes, I am he."
The young man barely paid attention to the being beneath the water, his distraction owing to a horrible discovery. His reflected gaze had found a smudge on his clothing. The filthy stain was an affront to the pristine state his mother insisted on for him.
A frown marred the perfection of his even features as young Narcissus scrubbed at the spot on his white tunic. "Oh my, Mother will be so upset about this. And I was so careful too…"
The lake faithfully mirrored his face, displaying his puckered brow. Immediately, Narcissus ordered his facial muscles back to their customary smoothness. Concerned over his uncustomary lapse, he closed his eyes and sought for calm within himself.
How many times had mother drilled into him the necessity of allowing nothing to disturb the even tenor of his thoughts? He was never to risk lessening the power of his male beauty by cultivating frown lines. His comeliness was the one proof they had of his half-god status; the only thing he'd inherited from his philandering father, Zeus -- other than the eternal enmity of Hera the hard-hearted, his jealous stepmother.
Calm once more, Narcissus opened his eyes and gave one more brush at the small bit of dirt clinging to his tunic, seeking his reflected image to judge the results of his impromptu attempt at cleaning.
The edge of his sleeve, banded with shimmering gold embroidery, trailed into the waters, causing a small disruptive eddy. His reflection disappeared, the image of his face shattered into a million sparkling shards of water.
He finally noticed the creature who had called to him.
The being -- massive and sleek, silver of eyes and hair -- swam just beneath the surface of the still water. Like clear glass, the river revealed a large muscular humanoid body moving with a nakedly fluid elegance that called to Narcissus. He'd been taught to revere the strong and perfect forms of physical beauty in all its divergent incarnations.
Never had he seen such grace, such sheer overwhelming masculine magnificence. His breath caught on a wave of intense feeling that seemed to center in his chest, squeezing his heart. His flat nipples tightened into stiff buttons that ached and throbbed, hungry for tactile stimulation. Below the hollow pit in his belly, his cock twitched, balls rolled up snug beneath his lengthening rod.
"By the light in my mother's eyes, you are very beautiful!"
"As are you, young prince."
His cock jumped, and he stared down at his arousal, shocked to see the level of interest his body proclaimed. Never had this happened before. Raising his head, he gazed in awe at the river-male's face and body, the firm long legs, the thick cock between those legs cutting through the water like a fleshy rudder.
Dragging his eyes away from the male's lower body, Narcissus trained his curious gaze on the wide shoulders and muscle-corded arms that flexed easily as the being cut with smooth strength through the watery channel. Flat nipples, a pale, pale wash of color on an almost colorless chest, had him licking his lips. Mouth salivating, he imagined sucking them into stiff little hillocks. Altogether, the creature's attributes were so terribly lovely, tears came to his eyes. He rejoiced he'd been blessed to behold such a wonder… until an ugly thought crossed his mind.
Is it possible this creature is more beautiful than I?
Almost at once, he shook his head. Yes, the creature had a wide brow and rippling silvery hair streaming about his lean powerful face, a face etched with the craggy lines of true male beauty. Narcissus would not deny the being held a certain attraction, yet he had it on the best authority that no one surpassed his god-given perfection of form and visage.
Besides, large, silvery blue eyes gazed out of the water with a very appreciative look of admiration in them. The being knew his looks to be inferior.
Narcissus preened. Feeling quite magnanimous, he offered the male a compliment. "You are quite the handsome water sprite, aren't you?" He didn't mind acknowledging beauty when he saw it, complacent in the fact his looks remained without equal.
"My comeliness or lack thereof matters not at all, compared with your loveliness. If only I could come to you, touch you. My fingers would coast over the luscious curves of your chest and abdomen. My lips would smooth over your pink cheeks, my breath moisten your beardless jaw. My raspy tongue would bathe those small beaded nipples until they tightened and ached. Only then would I bite them. Hard. Once they were red and hot with blood, I'd move down to lick the pooled sweat from your pretty indented navel --" silver eyes glinted with mischief, "-- for you would certainly be sweating by then."
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