Tentacle Temptation
A Razor's Edge Monster Erotica Short

Author: Eva DeMoan
Cover Art: Angela Knight
BIN: 010207-03314
Genres: Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Razor's Edge Erotica
Themes: Alien Encounters, Alternative Universe, Dark Desire/Horror, Hentai, Multiple Partners /Polyamory, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 35
A Top 100 Bestseller in Kindle Unlimited at Amazon.com
Top 100 Bestseller in Kindle Unlimited at Amazon.ca
WARNING: Tentacle Temptation is part of the monster erotica series Naughty Films Inc. There is little to no plot, not much in the way of character development, but there is lots of super hot sex of the taboo variety with seven kraken males and one human female. If you want a happily-ever-after, with romance and a strong storyline, this is NOT what you’re looking for. Please leave all concepts of reality here before proceeding…
I worked my way up the ladder in the Adult Entertainment industry, taking any jobs I could. Now my producer has come to me with an offer I can’t refuse -- mostly because he didn’t give me a choice -- a series of “monster” films with actors in elaborate costumes. But I’d never say no to the amount of cash involved…
Except he lied. Those aren’t costumes!
I’m not only about to be claimed by the Alpha Kraken, but by his pod, too!
Praise for Tentacle Temptation (Naughty Films Inc. 1)
"While I’m still new to Eva’s books, I enjoy the creativity in her story ideas. True to the synopsis, this is not really a romance, but it does have a happy ending for Angel, and there are some tender moments that appeased the hopeless romantic in me. The uniqueness combined with the romance-esque elements has me becoming a huge Eva fan!"
-- 5 Stars from Lauren Seiberling, Amazon Review
"I enjoyed reading this story. I liked the disclaimer, very accurate... when she realized exactly that, and accepted what was her new life, being satisfied thoroughly forever, she was happy as were her mates."
-- 5 Stars from Lilu, Amazon Review
"Thank you! Totally needed that release... several times lol! Sometimes you just got to take care of business by yourself. Quick short read that was hot as hell!"
-- 5 Stars from Book Devour, Amazon Review
"This author did an amazing job with this one; it's a quick read with lots of steam. Basically, this book is smut galore all the way."
-- 5 Stars from Fabiola Cadet-Destil, Amazon Review
"I enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading more."
-- 5 Stars from Kindle Customer, Amazon Review
"Ultra-hot and steamy tentacle tale with lots of Kraken action and an Alpha Kraken who ultimately wants her to be theirs only."
-- 5 Stars from Kymagirl, Amazon Review
"I chose to read this very short story because the book blurb made me chuckle. It is exactly as described: a whole lot of “getting-to-know-you”."
-- 4 Stars from Busy Bee, Amazon Review
"Amazing... It was very hot, I really loved it. It was spicy and erotic, I would definitely recommend this book."
-- 5 Stars from Priys, Barnes & Noble Review
"A really quick steamy read with lots of tentacles. There isn't much of a plot to worry about, just a fun read."
-- 4 Stars from Rani, Amazon Review
"She was fun, the kraken were fun, it was a good short read."
-- 4 Stars from ChattyChik2NE1, Amazon Review
"The uniqueness combined with the romance-esque elements has me becoming a huge Eva fan!"
-- 5 Stars from Romance Novel Giveaways, Amazon Review
"It was a fun, quick erotica short. Adult film star Angel was paid a big sum of money to star in three monster p0rn films with an actor wearing a very high tech tentacle costume. But she quickly realizes that this kraken isn't a human man in a costume at all. A fun read."
-- 4 Stars from Nin-Chan, Kobo Review
Tentacle Temptation (Naughty Films, Inc 1) (A Razor's Edge Monster Erotica Short)
Eva DeMoan
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2023 Eva DeMoan
I stared at the producer, wondering if he’d lost whatever was left of his mind. The words coming out of his mouth weren’t making any sense. Like, none -- at all. “Run that by me again?” I asked.
“Angel, we’re branching out,” Carl said. “You know people like some crazy stuff these days. So we’re going to make a series of ‘monster’ porn flicks and see how it goes. I’ve already got you lined up for the first set.”
Right. Monster porn. What the ever-loving fuck was the man thinking? “How is that even going to work? I mean, I know Dino and Big Foot erotica is a thing, but those are make believe characters in a story. We’re talking about a real life shoot. If some guy’s in a furry costume, how exactly is his dick supposed to get inside me?”
Carl shifted, looking slightly uncomfortable, which made alarm bells go off in my head. The man loved the depraved, and nothing -- I mean nothing -- made him squirm. Except me asking about the monsters in his latest bunch of films. “We’re using all new actors for this series,” he said. “Well, new men. I picked fan favorites for the leading ladies, and you were the most requested. Not just by the audience, but also by the, um, actors.”
Riiiight. Again, the way he phrased things made the hair on the back of my neck prickle. Something was going on. Why was he being so cagey about the film? “So what’s the story? Run it by me since you already committed me to the film.”
Carl seemed to relax at my acceptance. “You’ll be in three different films. The first we’re calling Tentacle Temptation.”
I held up a hand. “Wait. Tentacles? As in… squid? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
Carl started to sweat and his gaze darted around. “Not exactly. The actor will be, um, wearing a… a… costume! Yes, a costume. The upper portion of his body will appear human, but his lower half will have some state of the art limbs. He’ll be able to move the tentacles and use them as if they were real. No expense has been spared by the people backing this series.”
“And you said these actors requested me?” I asked, folding my arms under my breasts. One popped free of my robe and I felt my nipple harden in the cool air.
Carl’s gaze landed on my exposed tit and I swear the man started to drool. “Focus!”
He snapped his gaze back to mine. “Yes. They asked for you specifically.”
“Where’s the script?” I asked.
He handed me one sheet of paper with a small paragraph on it. That was it? “Seriously?”
He shrugged. “That’s what the writers gave me. They want this to look as natural as possible. Just go with the flow and do what feels right.”
I had a feeling running for the nearest exit wasn’t in the cards. I sighed and scanned the paper.
Monsters have come to Earth. You’ve garnered the attention of the Kraken pod alpha, and he’s going to make you his. Once you accept him, his closest pod members will join in the sexual encounter.
Great. Not just one freaky actor in a costume but several. Peachy. Why did I do this again? Carl handed me an envelope and I peeked inside. Huh. Yep, this was why. A check made out to my actual name in the amount of twenty thousand dollars. If I’d been concerned before, now I was doubly so. I couldn’t remember ever doing a movie or series that paid this well. Hell, I usually got paid about a grand per sex scene, and that was only after I’d become more popular. That first year, I’d struggled to clear fifteen thousand all damn year.
“You ready?” Carl asked.
“Wait. Ready? You mean we’re filming now? You just fucking told me about this damn job and I’m supposed to jump in right away?”
“Time is money,” he said, pointedly eyeing the check in my hand.
Message received loud and clear. I held the check tighter and went to put it into my locker. I ditched my robe and saw an outfit hanging next to my dressing table. I put on the button down top, making sure the girls were on display, and the super short skirt. The fact a thong also hung from the hanger surprised me. I generally went commando. I slipped it on and fluffed my hair.
No one had specified what shoes I needed to wear, so I eyed the four pair I used the most often. My shirt was white, the skirt was a charcoal gray, so I needed a bit of color. I opted for the purple heels and put them on.
“Hurry up, Angel!” Carl bellowed.
I huffed out a breath and approached the set, checking to see what had changed. It looked a little like a lab, with cold metal counters and a long table in the center of the space. Someone threw a lab coat at me and I shrugged it on.
“Ready? Action!”
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