The Accidental Fairy Tale
A Women’s Urban Fantasy Romance

Author: Crymsyn Hart
Cover Art: Karen Fox
BIN: 010951-03562
Genres: Action Adventure, Box Sets, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Alternative Universe, Bisexual, Multisexual, Pansexual & Transsexual, Capture Fantasy, Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, Multiple Partners /Polyamory
Series: The Accidental Fairy Tale (#4)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 242
Oz may never be the same…
Falling for Love: When Micha saves Jasmine by pushing her into the pages of his magic book, she finds herself in a place she never thought existed -- the Land of Oz. In this magical kingdom, books write themselves, but Jasmine must keep the magic from disappearing or Jasmine will lose everything she’s found -- including Micha the Scarecrow, and Leon the Cowardly Lion, her mates.
Bitten For Love: Landing in Oz with the Scarecrow, Micha, and Leon the Cowardly Lion was odd. However, getting sent to Dracula’s castle is even stranger. As they venture farther into the count’s castle, her feelings for both Leon and Micha deepen. Magic is growing within her thanks to the strange book which tells their story. They soon learn they must keep the book away from the evil Dorothy at all cost.
Spelled For Love: When the magic book deposits Jasmine, Micha, and Leon at a villains’ convention, all Jasmine wants is some time to unwind before their next adventure. Getting to be alone with her two mates means the world to all of them. All the while, the magic within her starts to go out of control. Meanwhile, the evil Dorothy enlists the villains to kidnap the trio. Only Jasmine’s magic can save the men she loves -- and all of Oz.
Publisher’s Note: Series: The Accidental Fairy Tale contains the previously published novels Falling for Love, Bitten For Love, and Spelled For Love.
Praise for Falling for Love (The Accidental Fairy Tale 1)
"The idea of the book was interesting as it put a spin on a fairy tale I could never have imagined would be enthralling. I enjoyed the twists the author took and though I thought I knew the story, I soon learned not everything as it seems. If you like a story where every turn of the page keeps you seeking answers, then the writing of Ms. Hart and Accidental Fairy Tale is for you."
-- 4 Cups from Delane, Coffee Time Romance & More Reviews
"The characters are terrific and the storyline has so many fantastic elements to it that you just can not put it down. Loved the drama, danger, vivid locales, twists, revelations, and entertaining situations. The obstacles they face and the evil that is planned to stop them just brings them closer and stronger together. Great ending and an awesome read."
-- 5 Stars from JLH, Amazon Review
"Three short well written stories that held my interest."
-- 5 Stars from Barbara W, Kobo Review
"Things are not always what you would suspect because the twists and turns can take you anywhere in the story, never hindered by imagination but rather enhanced. The blurb gives a good summary of each of the three tales, so take a look and see if this is of interest. But be warned – it’s difficult to put this down once you start on your adventure!"
-- 5 Stars from Emily Pennington, Barnes & Noble Review
"...a modern twist on the Wizard of Oz but instead of Jasmine swept up by a tornado she falls into a book. I enjoyed the three stories and the different spins and twists. The characters are likable as well."
-- 4 Stars from Mary S., Kobo Review
The Accidental Fairy Tale
Crymsyn Hart
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2023 Crymsyn Hart
Excerpt from Falling For Love
Jasmine stared up at the dark sky. The breeze pulled the remaining heat of the day toward the mountains and away from her campsite. It tugged at the staked lines she had pounded into the hard ground, trying to claim the shelter for itself. Even if the gust caught it, she wouldn’t blame the wind. This vacation had been planned for months. A whole week off was a dream because she didn’t have a backup at work. Jasmine needed time away from all the clients who called her for answers when she didn’t have them. The stress of it weighed on her.
In the middle of nowhere, silence greeted her, and she loved it. Half an hour from the nearest town, no lights polluted the view of the night sky. The illumination from her campfire relaxed her. I really have to do this more often. Jasmine let out a contented sigh and watched the vast expanse. Her gaze followed the three stars of Orion’s belt. Her grandmother had taught her about finding the shapes in the stars like the Big Dipper or Cassiopeia. Before she could locate another shape, a star broke the line of Orion’s belt. It sparked, seeming to bounce off the neighboring stars, before it divided into four separate trails. Each took a different path.
Her grandmother’s words filtered into her mind about making a wish upon a falling star. Jasmine closed her eyes and thought about what she wanted. Something to shake up her life a little. Maybe an adventure. Nothing too wild. Maybe a handsome man. The night greeted her when she opened her eyes -- the falling stars had already burnt out on the horizon. Jasmine felt a bit disappointed. Probably a satellite breaking up as it hit the atmosphere. Let’s be realistic. The world doesn’t revolve around fantastical events or strange creatures offering people three wishes.
Jasmine pushed her thoughts away as the haze of sleep settled over her. She studied the stars to see if another would plummet. When none shattered, she banked the fire and slipped into the tent to sleep the night away.
The next morning the stillness of the desert greeted her. Jasmine rubbed her eyes and pulled on her jeans. Her stomach growled. She’d left her food in the car. She went outside. Pieces of her camp chair were scattered around the campsite. The stones from her fire pit were knocked across the campsite as though someone had swept them aside. The seat of her chair lay near the tent. She picked the fabric up and examined the tears in it. It looked as though an animal had invaded her spot. But her tent remained untouched and nothing had woken her up. What the hell happened?
Jasmine’s hands shook as she cleaned up the mess before heading to her car. Her spot should have been safe. Nothing at the site looked like an animal had been there. Nonetheless, she’d camped on a distant part of her friend Landis’s land. Landis had left her the key to the house in case she wanted to get away from the elements. At the moment, she didn’t feel comfortable staying in her tent.
Jasmine grabbed her bag. She patted her pockets and felt the box of matches she’d shoved in there the night before and her keys underneath them. She went to open the car door when a flapping sound made her stop. The back quarter-panel on the driver’s side swayed in the breeze. What in the holy hell? The metal over the tire was flayed like a half-peeled orange. Long gouges clawed the top of her trunk. Jasmine pressed her fingers into the grooves. Each was three times as big as hers. Good thing I bought the insurance.
She glanced around for whatever had done this and prayed it hadn’t stuck around. A Gordian knot twisted in her stomach. She quickly took the tent down and threw everything from the site into the back of the car. Why didn’t it touch the tent? Her keys jangled in her shaking hand. I’m not waiting around to see if something comes back. What does it want? What is the rental company going to say? Jasmine turned her phone on, but it didn’t pick up a signal. This is what I get for wanting to be completely alone. Jasmine got into the car and drove to town, praying the creature was long gone.
Half an hour later, she arrived in the thriving metropolis of Shifting, Arizona, a booming town of a thousand people. She parked in front of a strip of stores and grabbed her phone. Fifteen voicemails popped up on her phone. The last five didn’t show the callback number. “What’s going on?”
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