The Don'ts of Zombie Hunting (Print)
Dark Fantasy/Horror Romance

Author: Ashlynn Monroe
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 010540-03425
ISBN (13): 9781605218441
Genres: Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Print, Romance, Sci-Fi , Suspense, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Dark Desire/Horror, Military, Veterans, and First Responders, Multiple Partners /Polyamory, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism, Zombies
Series: The Don'ts of Zombie Hunting (#5)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 142
Coralee Bradley is the only veterinarian in the small town of Davis, Wisconsin. Everything about Davis is tranquil, except for one thing -- zombies. Coralee finds herself battling for her life against the same people she called neighbors seventy-two hours earlier.
Injured, Sergeant Jordan Parks seeks refuge with an angelic redhead. When she becomes a threat to their safety there’s only one thing he can do -- make love to her. One night of end-of-the-world passion will never be enough -- if they survive.
Emily Bradley saved her sister’s skinny ass from zombies. She survived when almost everyone she knows is dead. Now Jordan, her sister Coralee’s apocalyptic squeeze, has led them into a situation filled with chaos and death at Fort McCoy. It’s time for Plan B, and Yankee and Thad are just what the doctor ordered.
Emily and Cora have lost their home, watched friends die, and found love. Still, they are unprepared for the decision that will change everything. Inside of them burns the salvation of humanity, if they can stay alive long enough to realize the cure.
Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.
Publisher’s Note: The Don’ts of Zombie Hunting includes the previously published novellas Zombies Don’t Make Good Pets, Zombies Don’t Know When to Knock, and Zombies Don’t Give Up.
Praise for The Dont's of Zombie Hunting
"Changeling Press has once again brought us a great new twist the walking dead. As always they give us the cream of the crop in talent. Kudos guys, Keep’em coming."
-- 5 Stars from Ken Thompson, Amazon Review
"This is the second time I've read books written by Ashlynn Monroe; I can’t wait to read more of her books. This is the three story collection of Zombie Hunting series; each one is a short story that is well written."
-- 4 Stars from Jeanne Richardson, Amazon Review
"This was an enjoyable read. The characters and stories are well written and it holds your interest. A good read during this Halloween season."
-- 5 Stars from Tammy D., Amazon Review
"This was a great collection of horror stories, it did what I was hoping for. I enjoyed the way it was written..."
-- 5 Stars from k. leer, Amazon/Booksprout Review
"This was a fun collection of stories that takes some peeps and pits their survival against the overwhelming odds of all those zombies ;) There is steam and sizzling chemistry between characters and I was quite surprised by the ending. Definitely a fun fast Halloween read."
-- 5 Stars from LBing, Amazon/Booksprout Review
"This is the continuing story of veterinarian Coralee Bradley and injured, Sergeant Jordan Parks, plus her sister Emily and her two men Yankee and Thad. The stories kept me turning pages and the ending was a real surprise. The book was well worth reading."
-- 5 Stars from Babs, Amazon/Booksprout Review
"The end of the world as we know it doesn’t have to mean physical contact and romance are off the table, too. Without giving away spoilers, I thought the author did a good job of balancing the audience’s expectations in the final scene and wrapping everything up satisfactorily."
-- Astilbe, Long and Short Reviews
"The storyline is exciting, the passion is hot and heavy between all three of the characters and it was a very enjoyable story to read."
The Dont's of Zombie Hunting
Ashlynn Monroe
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2022 Ashlynn Monroe
Excerpt from Zombies Don't Make Good Pets
The shooting outside stopped. She waited. Taking a deep breath, Cora stood up and checked the window again. The tank in the center of town had stopped its slow progression. A wave of the hungry undead surged over the metallic behemoth. She hoped whoever was operating it was still alive. When she'd first seen the National Guard roll into town she'd thought she'd been saved, but looking out at the overturned jeeps, bodies, and abandoned weapons, she knew salvation wasn't going to be that simple.
A clatter echoed in the back of the clinic. Cora gasped. Her hands were shaking as she picked up her bag. She reached into the top drawer where she kept her emergency tranquilizer gun. She'd never had to use it on an unruly patient, but now she wondered how well the drug would work on an animated corpse. Shivering, she slowly crept back towards her small operating room. Turning the corner, she passed the storage closet and finally her hand touched the knob to the back room. She hoped that feral cat hadn't escaped. Cautiously she turned the knob and peeked inside.
A tall man in a uniform was going through her supply bins. She couldn't see his face, so she couldn't tell if he was one of them. A desperate breath escaped her and she bit her lip. Here goes nothing. Cora threw open the door and dropped her bag. She raised the gun, ready to fire at the interloper.
He turned. She saw blood running down his forehead. The intruder's eyes were wide and framed with thick black lashes, and they were clear, not the milky white of death.
Cora let go of the breath she'd been holding and lowered her weapon. "You scared the shit out of me," she said.
He raised his pistol.
"Whoa, just hang the hell on. You're in my clinic," she shouted. Her knees wobbled. This was just too much. Don't get weepy! She tried to obey her inner voice, but her lip trembled.
"Were you bitten?" He had one of those deep, radio perfect voices. There was a seductive resonance in his tone. He was handsome, movie star hot, and it wasn't just the uniform. The man had well-proportioned classical features. His eyes were shadowed with fatigue, but they were the most startling shade of green. Perfection. She almost felt the heat radiating off him and his six-pack abs.
What is wrong with me? He's pointing a gun at me and today is mostly likely the first day of the apocalypse. Why am I so fixated on his total sex-a-lusciousness?
"Were. You. Bitten?" he repeated in annoyance.
"No," she replied, scowling.
He lowered his gun. "I think you and I may be the last."
At first, she didn't understand what he meant, and then the horrific understanding dawned on her. "The last?" she squeaked out. The idea everyone she'd ever known was dead or -- worse, undead -- squeezed her heart with almost unbearable pain. "Are there reinforcements coming?"
"Don't think so." He returned to his search and spoke without looking at her.
"We need to get out of town!" Cora said as she pulled her bag higher on her shoulder. She'd waited too long. She should've run sooner, but she'd been waiting for her sister.
"The tank was no match for those things. I seriously doubt we'd be able to get past the bastards on foot."
His harsh assessment put a glare on her face. "Hey, those bastards used to be my friends and neighbors." Cora's voice rose as she reminded him to show respect.
"Sorry," he muttered gruffly, but she didn't hear remorse in his tone. His pupils appeared dilated. She realized her only hope looked like he was ready to fall over.
"Sit down. Let me take care of your head."
He must have been looking for some bandages. He'd come to the right place. He sat while she grabbed what she needed. "What happened?"
"I was dodging a few of the infected bastards when I had to scale a fence and duck under a sign. I hit my head."
"You didn't touch your cut after touching the infected? Or let one of them touch your wound?" Cora asked with concern. She had no idea how this spread, but an open gash seemed like an invitation for infection.
"No. I don't think so."
"Well, that's good. Hold still. This might sting."
"Damn," he spat out as she wiped at the gash with an antiseptic covered pad.
"So are you the only doctor in town?"
Cora grinned. It felt strange to be standing there smiling when all hell was breaking loose a few feet away. "No. I'm the town vet. Davis is too small to support its own human clinic. We don't have a doctor. I make many house calls to local farms. You're the first human patient I've seen in this office, but I don't think you have the luxury of being picky."
He grunted, but didn't tell her to stop. She finished wrapping his wound. His hand was bleeding and she cleaned and wrapped that too.
"I'm Cora. Dr. Coralee Bradley."
"Jordan Parks," he said. She already knew part of that -- Parks was embroidered on a patch on the right side of his chest. The other side said US ARMY. She hoped he was wrong and there were reinforcements on the way.
"So what's going to happen now? What do we do?"
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