Under Your Spell (Agency of Extraordinary Mates 6)

Author: Willa Okati
Cover Art: Karen Fox
BIN: 00615-00179
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Gay, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft
Series: Agency of Extraordinary Mates (#6)
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 69
Congratulations! You've won an all-expense-paid vacation -- to the Bermuda Triangle!
OK. There has to be a catch. (Besides the obvious. The Bermuda Triangle? Come on.) Still, things like this just don't happen to Jamie. He's a journalist, an everyday kinda guy. Sure, he happens to be gay, but that doesn't make his life any more exciting -- unfortunately.
The "Catch" is lying in wait in his bungalow on Chimera Island. A sorcerer called Niko is looking for a mate -- a "pet" to obey his every whim. But if he expects Jamie to come to him ready to be claimed, taken, and made into Niko's own possession, he's seriously under evaluated his prey…
Someone's going to do some claiming, but it might not be Niko!
"For those of you...who like a tale where two people find the loves of their lives against all odds, with the help of a mystical force with other fantasy elements interwoven, then this is one you should seriously consider giving a go."
"Fantastic paranormal romance, filled with magical places, compelling dreams and extraordinary characters. While filled with steamy sex, it also has a compelling plot everyone can learn from. For it to be true, love must be given freely. As always, Ms. Okati gives her readers a great story. One that I wouldn't miss for the world."
Under Your Spell (Agency of Extraordinary Mates)
Willa Okati
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2016 Willa Okati
An Authorized Excerpt
This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.
Chimera Island -- the Agency of Extraordinary Mates. Niko laughed, shaking his head as he ran a finger down his black glass. Who had come up with the idea, he was not certain, but they must have been drunk at the time. A place where men of his stamp, those outside the common mold, could find life partners and brief, heady encounters. As if they could not find pleasure outside this place! Yet they had all flocked to Chimera when news of the Agency's formation had been touted.
He, too, had come, at the express invitation of those with high standing on the island. They needed a mage, a powerful one, to keep the island stable in its location in the Bermuda Triangle. A deliciously dangerous place to work magic. Although he thought the idea of Chimera Island a foolish one, he came gladly to practice the arts.
Finding anyone for himself beyond a simple night's fuck had only recently crossed his mind. Besides not caring for the fairer sex (fairer only in others' opinions, he might add), he found Chimera's whole process of selection to be a ridiculous exercise in chance. Invite the mights and maybes… and what would one get? Perhaps nothing.
Pah! Such a haphazard way to work.
Yet despite the odds, many of his fellows who walked outside humanity had found mates much to their liking. Niko did not consider himself lonely or in need of a partner. Yet he had to admit it would be nice to have someone warm and willing in his bed whenever he felt the urge to slake his body's needs.
But leave it to chance? No, not him. Niko made plans for what he wanted. Niko made sure he got what he desired. Yes, he had written a "winning vacation" letter, but he had made certain it would go to the right person for him.
Beneath his left palm rested a small wooden box. Inside lay two clay figurines, small men he had sculpted with his own hands and magic. Both forms were naked, with obscenely large and rampant erections. He'd chanted a spell over them as he shaped the things. "Thee to me, and me to thee, tied together. Let eternity bring what it will. From this moment forward, you are mine to use as I please. You, whoever my true love might be, now belong to me. This is my spell, and this my decree. So mote it be."
Passing them through a candle flame, he had not let them cool down before binding the pair with a silken silver cord, cock to cock and chest to chest. He'd placed them on a bed of down inside his little box, and sealed it with a charm. Unbreakable. Whoever was meant to be his life's partner, or whoever the magic chose, would come to him. He would not be able to help himself.
The dark glass blurred, awaiting his command. "You know the one whom I seek," he said, stroking it. "I have watched him before, working on his job, or sleeping lonely in his bed. Show me," he ordered, voice soft and silken. "Let me see him. Let me see Jamie."
The mirror shimmered at him, glowing a deep black, then cleared into the picture of a man sitting at a desk, striving hard over papers and books. "A student of life," Niko murmured, his hand once again stealing to his zipper. "He searches for hidden treasures in his notes and papers, seeking something new never yet discovered. Writing stories men and women crave to devour. A power all his own. Not equal to mine, but he knows what it is to manipulate the hearts of those who read his words."
Gesturing, he pulled back for a quick look at the man's room before zeroing back in on him. He saw framed articles and magazine covers, all with the same byline: Jamie Alexander. "A journalist, slaving over his next story. What do you write about, I wonder?" Niko could move in closer to see the words on the man's laptop computer screen, but they failed to interest him. "Ah, but your days of struggling to create the mundane are soon at an end, my Jamie. Once you are mine, my Pet, I will fill your days with pleasure and freedom to write what you will, so long as you fill my bed at night."
The articles might tell a story, but Niko found the man himself far more worthy of examination at the moment. Perhaps a bit short for his tastes, but with dusky tanned skin, corded muscles, and dark blond hair constantly falling forward into his face. No desk-man's paunch to be found on him, he looked lean and tight from tip to toe. His lap lay hidden in shadows, but Niko fancied there would be quite a nice cock hidden in his jeans.
Oh… yes.
Ever so slowly, he slid his own zipper down click by click, loud in the stillness of his chambers. "What will I do with you when you first arrive, my mate?" he said, voice hushed as he gazed at Jamie. "What would you like best?"
He knew Jamie was gay. Perhaps closeted, perhaps not, Niko wasn't sure, but appreciative of men rather than women. He would look at Niko and take pleasure in what he saw. "Shall I kiss you sweetly on the lips?" Niko asked to amuse himself, knowing Jamie could not hear him. "Or should I ravage your mouth? What would you like best?"
Jamie's mouth, soft, with a plump lower lip, invited kisses. Niko imagined sucking it into his mouth and nibbling until Jamie let out a low moan, inviting him deeper. Begging for more. He would control their encounter; he would say when more was allowed. But how sweet was the sound of a grown man reduced to pleading!
Niko slipped a hand inside his pants, reaching down to encircle his cock. Good… ah, yes, so good. A slow slide up to his uncircumcised tip, a gentle twist around the head, and back down again with another kink of his wrist. Wriggling a bit, he slipped his pants down for better access to himself. He could have simply banished the trousers altogether, but again, anticipation seemed fitting.
"Jamie," he whispered, watching him in the glass. Handsome, to be sure. From the ferocity with which he pounded his keys, and the feverish way he flipped through journals and notes on his desk, Niko deduced Jamie would be a hellcat in bed with his attentions focused on a body, not a book. He admired such dedication to craft. Still, all work and no play…
"Striving so hard," he said with a low chuckle. "Are you not tired? Does your body not require a certain relief?"
Niko did not consider himself a selfish man. If he was to feel pleasure, it would be tripled by watching Jamie find bliss as well. The man would enjoy it. Manipulating the magics binding them just a bit, he sent a jolt of pleasure to Jamie's loins. A tingle starting at the base of his spine and rocketing to his cock and balls.
He laughed as Jamie gave a flinch and jerked back from the desk, staring at his crotch. Though he couldn't hear the man, he could read his lips as he muttered: "What the hell?"
"Come on," Niko coaxed. "Please yourself, to please me. We will love this."
Jamie's hand came down, wavering over his crotch. He gave a guilty look to the left and to the right, clearly checking to make sure he was unobserved. Then, seizing his delicious, plump lip between his teeth, he carefully opened his button-fly and reached inside.
"Oh, yes, yes," Niko breathed. "Let me see it. Let me see you."
Ever so carefully, Jamie eased his cock out onto his palm. Half-hard, it stiffened under his touch. Niko sent another tweak through the cord of magic binding them. He wanted to see Jamie's organ fully erect, to know his chosen one's cock had been worth dreaming about.
Jamie's mouth worked, no doubt letting out a soft cry as his prick hardened into fullness seemingly on its own. Niko read his lips again: "I thought this kind of thing stopped when you passed eighteen!" Niko laughed. Sweet Jamie! What pleasures were in store for his chosen pet once he lay in Niko's bed and the magic between them could jump from skin to skin!
Niko stroked himself slowly as he watched his mate in the mirror. With a last glance around, Jamie leaned back in his hard desk chair and scooted his own pants down past his hips. A truly magnificent cock sprang free, as well as an impressive pair of balls, crowned with luxurious, crinkling golden hair to match what trailed down his waist in a thin line. Yes, good! Niko himself was smooth, but he adored textures. He could not wait to run his hands through those tangled curls.
Slowly, slowly, Jamie ran his palm down his length, to the fat purple head peeking out of its uncircumcised sheath. His thumb rubbed over the tip in a slow circle, merely teasing. He moved as if bringing himself off had long since become a series of practiced movements meant to draw an inevitable climax, not in celebration of the pleasure he felt.
Niko made a moue with his lips. How uncreative. Clearly, he would have to teach his mate a few things. He might have preferred someone well-versed in the arts of pleasure -- but then again, what delights would he find in teaching his pet the way of bliss within a body-warmed bed? He decided he felt satisfied enough.
Jamie cupped his balls with one hand, tugging and rolling them together. Ah, there, such a move showed a bit more imagination, and a liking for slight pain. Letting out a moan Niko could not hear, he twisted his sac just a little, and let his nails scrape a bit.
Such perfect behavior for a pet. His nature would lend itself perfectly to servitude in Niko's bed.
"Perhaps I will pierce you," Niko mused, absently copying Jamie's actions. "A lovely ring for your cock, and a chain to lead you around with. Would you like the pleasure-pain, pretty one? Or are you too shy, too fearful? Will I have to teach you what it means to be mine?"
By all the gods, he hoped so.
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