Weary Memories (Box Set)

Author: Elizabeth Jewell
Cover Art: Karen Fox
BIN: 03498-01116
Genres: Box Sets, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Book Length: Box Set
Sexually abused by his father as a child, Alex finds healing in the last place he would expect -- in the arms of his vampire boss, Liam. Abused himself by the female vampire who turned him, Liam has his own healing to accomplish. But when mutual healing becomes mutual respect -- and love -- both must face and overcome the specters of the past to find their way to each other in the present.
"Weary Memories will tug at your emotions and will stay with you long after the last page is turned. Elizabeth Jewell did an excellent job bringing these two men to life."
"Weary Memories is an anguish filled read full of dark emotions and emotional sex."
"Ms. Jewell has followed the lives of two men as they experience their lives and grow into a love that neither expected. Thanks go to Ms. Jewell for a great story."

"Weary Memory is a terrific and touching story... By the time I reached the end of this book, the author left me only wanting more! Fans of the m/m genre: do not miss this book!"
"Even though this story centers around two male characters, this reader was pleased with the level of intimacy and trust found within their story."
"Persistent Memory is a fantastic continuation of Alex and Liam's story... As with Weary Memory, no fan of the m/m genre should miss this book!"
"Making Memories is another outstanding and emotional installment in this series... Once again Elizabeth Jewell has written such a powerful story I was moved to tears. As with the first two books in this series, no fan of the m/m genre should miss Making Memories."
"Elizabeth Jewell has written a great piece with this addition to the Weary Memory series."
"The way Ms. Jewell writes about Liam and Alex's past experiences and pains shows a lot of compassion and caring.... Those love scenes are very sensual and soften up this story's horrible situation. If you enjoy gay romance that has a darker side and strong characters give this book a try. But beware; this book is not for the timid."

"Passing Memories is an angsty read full of dark emotions and emotional sex."
"Passing Memories is a fantastic and fitting ending to an outstanding series... Throughout the series, at no time did I ever feel disappointed. I can not say enough about this book and the entire series; they are all must reads which you'll want to keep close by to re-read again and again."
Weary Memories (Box Set)
Elizabeth Jewell
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2009 Elizabeth Jewell
Morning is near, and Liam is asleep again. Alex walks into the bedroom, drawing in the scent. It's an odd smell -- a man smell, but different, with acidic hints he supposes have to do with Liam's vampiric nature. Odd, but not repulsive.
He breathes it for a moment, dimly wondering if it could arouse him. And of course as soon as he thinks that, he feels the pressure begin, feels the blood flowing, tingling.
He steps farther into the room. Liam lies on his back, and Alex can tell he's naked under the blankets. He wonders briefly why Liam bothers with blankets, since vampires don't really generate any body heat.
But he knows he's thinking that so he won't have to think about the rest of it -- what he's about to do.
He sits on the bed. Liam rolls lazily to his right side, turning his back to Alex. The movement startles Alex a little, probably because Liam had been so still before he'd moved. But he's still asleep.
Hesitant, he reaches out, lets his fingers brush Liam's shoulder. His skin is firm and cool. Not cold, but cool. He knows this, of course -- he's touched Liam before -- but this is different.
Has he wanted this? He thinks perhaps he has, maybe since he met Liam, or since the night Liam saved his life the first time.
He flattens his hand against the wing of the vampire's shoulder blade, feeling the flat, wide bone. Liam stirs under his touch. Alex starts to draw away, but stops himself and instead lets his fingers trail around the curve of Liam's shoulder as Liam rolls over.
"Alex?" His eyes are bleary; he's not quite awake.
Alex says nothing. He doesn't really know what to say. Liam blinks at him dully as Alex watches his own hand move across Liam's chest, until he touches a flat, pink nipple.
"Alex?" Liam says again, but his tone is different now. Surprised. Confused.
"I want you to show me," Alex says. "I want you to show me how it can be good."
Clarity begins to seep into Liam's eyes. Alex's finger sits there still, just against the nub of Liam's nipple.
"Can you do that?" Alex says.
Liam clears his throat. He's frowning now. "Are you sure?"
Alex has come prepared for this question. Now he lifts his other hand, shows Liam what it holds. Liam watches as Alex lays the tube of K-Y on the bed. "I'm sure. I want this to go away. The pain. Change it into something else."
Liam's eyes seem to look deep into him, evaluating, judging, reading things Alex doesn't even know are there. Then, slowly, he nods.
Alex doesn't know if he's relieved or afraid when Liam's hand lifts to cover his. Liam's fingers trace his, and suddenly Alex realizes something.
Liam's not going to fuck him. Liam's going to make love to him.
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