Witches and Demons
A Pandemonium Urban Fantasy Romance

Author: Saloni Quinby
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 009454-03063
Genres: Action Adventure, Box Sets, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Dark Desire/Horror, Gay, Magic, Sorcery, and Witchcraft
Series: Witches and Demons (#4)
Multiverse: Pandemonium (#3)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 236
Ghosts, demons, curses, and a passion that may destroy them all…
Dark Before Dawn (Witches and Demons 1): In one night two strangers share a lifetime of passion. Once a year, evil haunts the woods on Sam’s ancestral land. Sam uses his magic to keep it under control, but this year he’s recovering from an accident and his magic is weak. His powers can be strengthened through sex, but his partner has abandoned him. Only with Aaron’s help can they survive the dark before dawn.
Accursed (Witches and Demons 2): The first-born sons in actor Ian Northhill’s family have all died on their thirty-fourth birthday, and Ian’s is just around the corner. The problem is, he doesn’t believe in ghosts, demons or curses. When Ian and Medium Maxim Thomas meet, they’re overwhelmed by lust. Will Ian trust Maxim enough to allow his lover to save him from the family curse?
Warriors of Sir Guy (Witches and Demons 3): For eight hundred years The Warriors of Sir Guy have tracked the half-demon child of their founder, vowing not to rest until the creature is destroyed. Only Robin sees the good in him. When he warns Robin that demons have infiltrated the Warriors of Sir Guy, the lovers are thrust into a battle that might destroy them.
Praise for Witches and Demons (Box Set)
"Warrior witches and half demons, curses and magic, and the power of love unite these three stories in this anthology... three stories of love at first sight and the power of sex and love to bring peace to troubled hearts."
-- Elizabeth, Joyfully Jay
"...a fascinating read that combines horror, magic, and passion into a very compelling tale that I loved. The characters are very realistic and her portrayal of history and the paranormal made this a story that held me spellbound from beginning to end."
"If you like stories about ghosts... if you enjoy watching two men bond over the need to fight them by any means necessary, never mind any demons trying to take over, and if you;re looking for a read that is as entertaining as it is creepy, then you might enjoy this short story."
"If you like stories about curses, ghosts, and the supernatural creepy-crawlies, if amen who believe they can never have a relationship due to their differences are your thing, and if you're looking for a read that is hot, suspenseful, and intense, then you might like this novella."
"A secret fellowship of warrior-witches, centuries of attempted revenge, and treason from within are just a few of the exciting elements of this tale about good battling evil. But it is also about personal courage, compassion, and finding love where and when you least suspect it... if you're looking for an action-filled read that is all about getting the bad guys with a touch of romance, then you might like this short story."
Witches and Demons (Box Set)
Saloni Quinby
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2020 Saloni Quinby
Excerpt from Dark Before Dawn
Night fell upon the longest stretch of lonely road Aaron had ever traveled. He'd stopped about an hour ago to ask directions from an elderly man walking a wolf-dog. Aaron generally wasn't afraid of animals, but the way this canine had snarled and growled, its eyes blazing and fangs flashing, Aaron had been wary. Unfortunately the old man hadn't been much friendlier than the dog, but he'd given Aaron curt directions to the nearest highway. At least he'd told Aaron it was the fastest route. About ten minutes ago he'd turned down a dirt road, past an iron gate the old man had described. Now he wasn't so sure the directions were accurate. Maybe the old dude had decided to play a trick on an obvious city guy. Aaron looked like he belonged deep in the country about as much as the wolf-dog belonged in a city park.
The night grew darker and Aaron started to worry. He was nearly out of gas and the car was making a strange grating sound, not to mention the check engine light had turned on seconds ago. He'd been driving since six o'clock in the morning and that was after a measly four hours of sleep. If the car didn't die first, Aaron might end up falling asleep behind the wheel. He was torn between pulling over to get some rest and continuing a little farther to see if the turnoff for the highway was nearby after all. Then fate made the decision for him. The damn car choked and died.
Cursing, Aaron tried to start it, but it refused to move. Finally he sighed, folded his arms on the wheel and rested his head on them. He closed his eyes.
"I'll only relax for a minute," he said. He'd just started zoning out when he jumped awake.
Was he crazy?
He couldn't sit here in the middle of a dark road. If someone happened to drive by, they'd crash into him.
Groaning, he stepped out of the car and pushed it to a safer position along the side of the road. By now it was so dark that his hazards were the only light in the area. He wished he'd charged his cell phone battery before leaving the hotel. At least then he could call for help. Before leaving on his business trip, he'd accidentally left his car phone charger in his second vehicle. An hour into his journey he realized he'd forgotten it, but he'd decided not to turn back for it. Now he wished he had. An hour of inconvenience would have saved him hours, maybe even a night, in the woods of northeast USA. Even better, why hadn't he simply flown?
Seated behind the wheel, he set his chair to a full recline position and, using his black sports jacket as a blanket, settled down to rest.
Aaron felt like he'd just drifted off when banging on his window roused him.
He jumped up, his heart pounding, and stared at a slim, dark-haired man standing near his car.
"Hey," the guy shouted, his voice muffled through the closed window. "You can't stay here."
His brow furrowed, Aaron opened the window partway and said, "I don't have much choice. My car died and my cell is out of batteries. Do you have a phone by any chance?"
The guy closed his eyes and shook his head. "I don't believe this. This is private property."
"You own the road?" Aaron asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow.
"Road? Mister, this is my driveway. Didn't you see the gate at the end?"
"So you just opened it and drove on through?" the guy asked, a harsh edge to his voice.
Curling his lip, Aaron said, "No. It was wide open."
"Yeah, so I didn't realize it was private property." Aaron sighed and shook his head. "Besides the old guy with the wolf dog said this would take me to the highway."
"Old guy with the wolf dog? That's Mr. Seymour. He's a little nuts. I wouldn't doubt it if he opened the damn gate."
"I'm sorry for trespassing, but --"
"Any other time I wouldn't care if you parked all night. Just not tonight."
"I told you --"
"I know. I know. Well, you can't stay here. It's not safe."
Now Aaron became suspicious. What was this guy up to? "Why?" he asked.
"There's a private hunting party going on. You might get hurt and I don't want to be responsible."
"Then how about either letting me use a phone or calling a ride for me?"
The man stared at him for a long moment. The flashing hazard lights cast eerie shadows on his face, but he seemed to be quite handsome with fabulous cheekbones, a long, slender nose and wide set eyes. Aaron couldn't tell exactly what color they were, but they looked light.
"All right," the guy said. "My cabin isn't far. You can come with me."
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