Yummy Love (Box Set)

Author: Kate Hill
Cover Art: Karen Fox
BIN: 07103-02288
Genres: Action Adventure, Box Sets, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Themes: Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Gay, Shapeshifters
Series: Yummy Love (#4)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 218
According to legend, the sexual magnetism of snake shifters rivals that of vampires, and the lust that ignites between magical dancer Antjuan and snake shifter Seth proves it.
When a case involving stolen elfin coins leads police officer Joel to Dylan, an elf with a shady past, it's the beginning of a relationship neither man ever dreamed of and a danger neither suspects.
Cass, a gardener at a magical museum, falls for Fidel, a Transcendent tree sprite, but their love is threatened when a killer begins stalking Transcendent sprites.
The Yummy Love box set contains the previously released novellas Coconut Cream Pie, Blueberry Muffins, and Apple Crisp.
"Kate Hill brings us a hot story in Yummy Love: Coconut Cream Pie. The book is populated with a wide variety of magical beings and humans. The characters keep the story moving smoothly, while the sex between Antjuan and Seth burn up the pages. This story is worth keeping."
"Kate Hill has invented a new world for us readers to wallow in with the Yummy Love series."

"With the steamy sex and the guilty party finally getting his just rewards, this is one book that will keep you enthralled."
"Blueberry Muffins is a seriously hot romance! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the relationship grow from first eye contact to acknowledged love as well as some very steamy lovemaking along the way."
"The story will keep you just as entertained as the previous books while catching you up on the story of Cass whom we met in the first books. The sex between Fidel and Cass is intense, yet clearly loving, from the very beginning. This series by Kate Hill is not to be missed."
"Ms. Hill writes interesting characters, though fantastic, that are easy to identify with. She uses pacing and brilliant descriptions to pull the reader in from page one until the very end."

"...a sexy romance set in an alternate reality where the plant life talks back! Apple Crisp is a fun adventure with some hot sex, a dash of angst and a host of interesting characters in this entertaining tale."
Yummy Love (Box Set)
Kate Hill
All rights reserved.
Excerpt from Coconut Cream Pie
Copyright ©2009, 2014 Kate Hill
Antjuan strode naked through the jungle. His feet moved silently on the dirt and he pushed aside the silvery-green reeds hanging thick from the tree branches. They grabbed at his arms, legs and neck and his heart beat faster. The almost unbearable humidity made breathing difficult. Sweat beaded on his flesh, trickled down his ribs and back.
He felt another presence behind him and though he couldn't see who it was, he knew it was someone he cared about, someone who aroused him like no one ever had before.
The unseen man tore the reeds from Antjuan, freeing him from their grasp. Then his arms slid around Antjuan. He caressed the dancer's chest. The roughness of his palms stirred his passion. Cool, firm lips nuzzled Antjuan's neck. They warmed against his heated flesh. His mystery lover's entire body had felt cool at first, but now pressed so close to Antjuan, he heated up. His cock stiffened, pressing against Antjuan's ass and the dancer's cock hardened in response.
His heart pounding, Antjuan leaned back, loving the sensation of the mystery man's hard, supple body. He felt the warm, wet flicker of his lover's tongue trailing along the side of his neck and down his shoulder.
Antjuan had always been strong and athletic, the sort of man who fought when necessary. His friends considered him the sort of person they could turn to when they needed support and he was always happy to help. Yet part of him craved to be overpowered and cared for. Something told him the man who now kissed and caressed him was the man he'd dreamed of -- one who matched him in strength, who could dominate him at times and submit to him at others. They knew each other's deepest desires and didn't hesitate to fulfill them.
His lover's nails gently raked over Antjuan's chest and stomach, then a hand curled around his cock and stroked with the perfect pressure and rhythm. His erection swelled and ached, desperate for release.
Closing his eyes, Antjuan panted, his body aflame. He placed a hand over his lover's sinewy forearm, feeling the muscles flex as he continued pumping Antjuan's shaft.
Just when he was on the verge of exploding, the man released his cock and pushed him toward a thick tree. Bracing his hands against it, Antjuan bent his head forward and thrust his ass toward his partner. His entire body tense with anticipation, he waited. His lover caressed his shoulders and arms, then ran his tongue down the length of his spine. It flicked along the indentation of his ass and Antjuan drew a sharp breath. It wouldn't be much longer before he came.
Then the man's body pressed close to his. The tip of his cock pushed against Antjuan's ass and he filled him slowly, giving him time to adjust to his thickness.
"Oh yeah," Antjuan breathed, his fingers biting into the tree trunk. He gasped as his lover thrust into him and reached around with one hand to once again pump his shaft.
Antjuan pressed his face against the tree, feeling the roughness of the bark. His lover's breath teased his ear as the man spoke in incoherent whispers.
Hovering on the brink of orgasm, Antjuan moaned and writhed.
"Wake up. Hey!" Dylan shook his shoulder and Antjuan opened his eyes.
His body still tense from the erotic dream, it took him a moment to focus. When he finally did, he straightened his neck and grimaced at the stiffness in it. He rubbed it and groaned.
"Damn," Antjuan muttered, glancing around. "I slept in the kitchen?"
"More like you were hit by compulsion dust. So was I."
When made by a skilled magical practitioner, compulsion dust could force others to bend to the will of the one who created it. Usually it put people to sleep, but it could be used for sex, to inspire fear or other emotions.
Compulsion dust was the only logical explanation for Antjuan falling asleep in an uncomfortable kitchen chair and having the most weirdly erotic dream of his life.
"And the money from the fundraiser is gone," Dylan said, his amber eyes flashing with rage.
"What?" Antjuan jumped to his feet, the lingering effects of the compulsion dust fading. Fury almost overcame him as well. Someone had stolen from them, but being manipulated by compulsion dust was nearly as bad, at least to Antjuan. He'd had enough problems in his past due to evil magic used by the pimps he'd encountered as a youth in Grimton City.
His fists tightened and he clenched his teeth so hard his jaws ached. For a moment his head spun.
Dylan, in spite of his own shock and anger, noticed Antjuan's distress and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah," Antjuan said, releasing his pent-up breath. "Well, no, but I can handle it. We have bigger problems right now."
"Can't argue. Without that money we can forget our plans for the soup kitchen. Shit!" Dylan curled his lip and slammed his fist into his palm.
"Wait a minute," Antjuan said. "That money is gone but we still have the contest at the end of the month."
"If you win, that money is for your studio."
"When I win, it'll be mine to do whatever I want and I want to put it into the shelter."
"Antjuan, I can't --"
"When I was out on the street doing shit that could have gotten me killed, you didn't say 'Antjuan, I can't'. You said clean up your act, kid, and I'll give you a place to stay until you get your life together. That's what the shelter is. It's hope for a lot of people like me. People whose magic is misunderstood or misused. It's more important than renovating my studio. I can do that another time."
"You're talking like you've already won."
Cocking an eyebrow, Antjuan said, "You think I won't? This year I'm going to dance my ass off and I'll win."
"I don't doubt you will."
"Good. I'm getting that money back for us, Dylan."
"And you're going to whip Theo's ass?" asked the Elf with a knowing look.
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