Celtic Magic

Antler and Bone (Celtic Magic 5)

Antler and Bone (Celtic Magic 5) Mabon -- Autumnal Equinox by Siondalin O'Craig $4.99

Libby McNulty must face down the demon hounds of the Wild Hunt or dissolve into the forest forever.

Giant's Garden (Celtic Magic 4)

Giant's Garden (Celtic Magic 4) Summer Solstice by Siondalin O'Craig $3.99

Penny Gallagher doesn’t believe in magic - until she sprouts wings in a Giant's Garden.

Shoe Repair (Celtic Magic 3)

Shoe Repair (Celtic Magic 3) St. Patrick's Day by Siondalin O'Craig $3.99

Cat finds a little man to repair her shoes and tickle her desire. Too bad he’s cursed.

Lantern Jack (Celtic Magic 2)

Lantern Jack (Celtic Magic 2) Halloween by Siondalin O'Craig $4.99

Can bartender Liam rescue Sharon and her cousins from being stuck forever in a Halloween fairy orgy?

Bee and Harp (Celtic Magic 1)

Bee and Harp (Celtic Magic 1) Midsummer's Eve by Siondalin O'Craig $3.99

Bee McBride makes two finds in New York - an ancient harp and an Irish harper. Can she save both?