Executive Decisions

Author: Marteeka Karland
Cover Art: Marteeka Karland
BIN: 06296-02023
Genres: Box Sets, Paranormal, Romance
Themes: Multiple Partners, Vampires, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters
Series: Executive Decisions (#5)
Book Length: Box Set
Page Count: 239
Safe companionship for the executive woman. On the go? Need protection, or a male escort while out of town? Our service provides the best-trained escorts who cater to your unique needs as a business professional and as a woman. All our men are guaranteed to flatter your senses, yet remain unobtrusive when the need arises.
You'll make the best impression by having a companion who is knowledgeable in your field of business, yet knows when to make you the center of attention. Remember, you're the executive. It's your decision.
Four women find themselves thrust into a world where fantasy and reality intertwine in a more than pleasurable way. Where every single move made is completely for her satisfaction. Where even the darkest desires are fulfilled. Where the men of their dreams have one goal -- to leave them sore, hoarse and still begging. A girl could get used to this...
Publisher’s Note: Executive Decisions contains the previously published novellas By The Numbers, One Night Only, Hidden Agenda, and Research Only.
"I love each story in this anthology. I enjoyed the premise of executive decisions. It sounds so salacious even as it provided the happily ever after I so enjoyed it. This is a wonderful series and I hope that Ms. Karland will return to it in the future."
-- 5 Shooting Stars from Luna, Redz World Reviews
"...some downright smokin' hot sex scenes. If you are looking for a fun weekend read, or a book to enjoy on a trip, this would be a wonderful choice.
"This was a really fun book with some incredibly spicy sex scenes that will be going in my read again file for sure... the characters in each story have a unique feel that makes you want to continue on to the next."
"...a paranormal short story with a very well established plot... I am interested in reading more from this series about the sexy vampires Ms. Karland has created for us."
"Executive Decisions is a definite keeper. This story was well executed and had enough sizzle to make any one sweat."
"Marteeka Karland has penned an excellent story full of passion and tension. The characters are well suited for each other and the sex between them is sizzling hot."

"Plain and simple, this was an explosive story full of heat. If you enjoy hot and sexy vampire stories you will definitely enjoy this one."

"Marteeka Karland has a way of writing fantastic characters that leap off the page and you instantaneously either love them to pieces or hate them with a passion. The plot and setting were perfect and the book read like a horse's even canter. If you love stories about witches, twins, and scheming grandmothers, you will love One Night Only."
"One Night Only has very entertaining characters and a really fun storyline. I really enjoyed it!"
"Ms. Karland does a great job of creating characters you can feel and share in their emotions... the mix of emotions the young woman and the men hide from each other...well, this brought back some bittersweet memories that I thought were long gone. If you are anything like me, One Night Only will have to be extended for a longer stay."

"If you want a story with tender emotions shared between three people and steamy love scenes, then grab a copy of Hidden Agenda."

"So much research to do and a weekend is so little time to find a life mate. Executive Decisions: Research Only had me wishing for a project of my own to research."

Executive Decisions (Box Set)
Second Edition
Marteeka Karland
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2019 Marteeka Karland
Excerpt from By the Numbers
"Good morning, D and S Attorneys, how may I help you?" Zoe Carter answered the phone professionally, as always. She always did her best no matter what job she was doing.
"You can start by making sure the damned coffee is fresh." She grimaced. Unfortunately, her employers weren't so congenial. From the sound of it, Sebastian Collingsworth wasn't in a particularly good mood. "And get me a decent shirt from Julian's."
"Yes --" The line went dead. "-- sir." She sighed. "Good morning to you, too, asshole."
Working for vampires sucked. Literally. Zoe Carter was just thankful she wasn't on the menu.
She was the accountant and receptionist for Dorian and Sebastian Collingsworth, owners of D&S Collingsworth, Attorneys at Law, and had been for the last ten years. Because she was the most senior staff member -- OK, so she was the only staff member -- she saw the men at their best and worst. She also knew D&S Attorneys was only part of what the two big vampires did.
As a rule, the pair weren't exactly morning people. Other than that, they didn't seem to have any of the weaknesses she'd always thought vampires had. Instead, they had the arrogant belief they were superior to every being on the planet. Like most men she knew.
One thing the pair had on other men was the second job. They also worked for a very high-class escort service for women with particular and… intense tastes. On more than one occasion, they'd called her to come in before dawn to help one or both of them to their underground chamber at the office.
At first, she'd worried about them getting caught -- and her being trapped in the middle of some illegal prostitution ring. Being paranoid made her hyper aware of the people around her, especially when the local sheriff was a frequent visitor. There seemed to be several people who not only knew about the side business the two vampires had going on, but also that they were vampires. When she'd questioned Dorian about it, he'd laughed at her, saying not everyone was so naive to believe everyone in the world was human. As if the whole friggin' town of Mount Bell was populated with vampires!
There was no denying their sex appeal. Zoe creamed her panties every day she went to work. These men exuded sex. The nasty, raunchy kind. They definitely fit the part they were apparently expected to play. She had heard them talking on more than one occasion about enjoyable bouts of kink. It was definitely the kind of sex nice girls like herself didn't participate in.
Yeah. Right.
It was a good thing she was so good at her job. As it was, she had to constantly recheck her figures. She found concentration almost impossible at times. She was too busy trying to catch glimpses of the two sexy men.
The only bad thing was she couldn't stand either of them. Oh, they were nice enough to almost everyone. Just not to her. The only reason she stayed was because every time she tried to leave, they'd give her a raise, or a "continuance bonus."
Aside from that, they were the biggest assholes in the world. They never smiled at her, never told her she did a good job, and treated her like a servant. It was almost like they wanted her to hate them.
As to today, she'd had this morning's conversation with one or the other of them several times over the years and she knew better than to come back with only a "decent shirt." Before she left, she put on a pot of dark roast and took the company credit card. She'd get a complete change of clothing for each of them. Julian would know what she needed.
By the time the brothers entered the office via the back entrance, she was back with everything they could possibly need.
"God, I need a Scotch."
Except that.
Dorian looked like he'd been in a barroom brawl rather than on a date with some rich man or woman who needed companionship for the night and didn't want complications. In fact, it looked like there had been plenty of complications last night. Blood and dirt streaked his clothing and face. His hair was a matted mess instead of the shiny, silky black it normally was.
"Just wash up and change clothes, Dorian. Griping about it isn't helping."
"If I'd known he was a junkie, I wouldn't be in this situation, Sebastian. You're the Psy. You should have warned me." Both men were clearly agitated, and the longer Zoe listened to them, the more alarmed she grew. Dorian obviously expected Sebastian to have warned him about the drugs, but Zoe knew it was very likely Sebastian didn't know. He could sense strong emotions, not read minds, and the strong emotions he could sense was what he fed from. As it was, she was terribly afraid they'd done something awful.
"What did you two do? If you've killed someone, I swear I'll be the first one to go to the police."
Dorian rolled his eyes and Sebastian gave her a scathing look. "Of course we didn't kill anyone," Sebastian snapped.
Dorian barked a sharp laugh. "No, but I may later. Doesn't our contract state that drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited?"
"Would you two stop for a minute?" As Dorian undressed, Zoe grew increasingly alarmed. When he took off his suit jacket and turned around, she saw nasty gashes on his back. They were deep and angry looking, already getting red at the edges as if infection was imminent. She approached Dorian and carefully touched the edge of one such gash.
"Fucking hell!" He jumped and whipped around. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"This happened last night?" Zoe ignored her employer's outburst. She was used to it. When she reached out again to touch the irritated skin to see if it was warm, Dorian rounded on her.
"Don't fucking touch me! The only thing you need to concern yourself with is giving me the clothes I asked for, then getting the hell out!"
Zoe had never seen him like this. Sebastian gripped Dorian's shoulder as if to hold the man back. Dorian looked absolutely furious. What the hell had she done to set him off?
"I was just trying to help. You're hurt."
"When I want your help, I'll ask for it, mortal. Now get the fuck out!"
Zoe had never backed down from either of them before, but something in the way he looked at her scared the holy hell out of her. She backed out of the room, grabbed the clothes she'd acquired and tossed them in the general direction of the men. With one last angry look, Zoe turned and walked out the door.
Fuck it. She didn't need this. She had a vacation coming. They'd have to live with her taking it early. Unless a couple weeks of solitude changed her mind, she wouldn't be back.
Fuck it. Fuck them.
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