Kidnapping the Cyborg (Terras Five 6)

Author: Anne Kane
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 009196-02977
Genres: Action Adventure, Futuristic, Romance, Sci-Fi
Themes: Cyber-Punk, Military, Veterans, and First Responders
Series: Terras Five (#6)
Book Length: Novella
Page Count: 66
Plan: Seduce the Cyborg, kidnap him and force him to help her escape. What could possibly go wrong?
Life in the breeders enclave on Terras Five was comfortable. Safe. Boring! Abigail wanted more. She wanted to explore the galaxy, have a career, enjoy all the freedoms that a human female took for granted. In order to do that she needed to get off-planet, and in order to accomplish that, she needed help. Male help.
She had a plan.
Jackson was flattered that the young female chose him to sire her offspring, and he was more than willing to play his part and make sure she enjoyed the experience as much as he did. What he wasn’t prepared for was being kidnapped at weapons point and forced to help the young breeder escape. Of course, he could have disarmed her and foiled her plan, but where’s the fun in that?
Kidnapping the Cyborg (Terras Five 6)
Anne Kane
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2020 Anne Kane
Abigail stretched languidly on the circular sleeping platform, making sure the male Cyborg got a generous eyeful of her luscious curves. She hadn’t counted on this, counted on it being him, the incredibly sexy male she’d met so long ago. Then again this wasn’t really a bad thing. The attraction she felt for him would make it easier to go through with her plan.
His name was Jackson. Jackson Firestorm. She’d almost snorted her drink out through her nose when she read that on the choices sheet. In a way, the absurdity of his family name was the reason she’d chosen him from the six breeding options presented for her approval.
Of course, she hadn’t realized she’d already met Jackson Firestorm. Or that she’d had a crush on him since she’d been a child. She only knew him as the Cyborg who’d appeared out of nowhere to save her and her friends.
Would he remember the wide-eyed girl child he’d plucked from the wreckage of the crashed spaceship? To him, she would have been just one more orphan who needed help, but to her he’d been a hero, larger than life. He’d saved her life and that of her crèche mates. She’d developed an immediate crush. As a youngling, she’d spent many hours daydreaming about the deliciously sexy Cyborg.
Jackson slid the entrance to the cubicle closed with a soft click, his eyes darkening as they swept over her lounging figure.
She curved her lips up in a smile, trying to look more confident than she felt. She’d never done this before, never joined with a male. Until this very moment, she hadn’t considered what effect that would have on her plan.
Last moon cycle, she’d hacked into the breeder database and altered her records to show that she’d already had several lovers. If the powers that be had known this was her first coupling, they would have insisted on sending her an older male, one with enough experience to ease her into the breeder lifestyle, make it a glowing experience.
That didn’t fit her needs at all. She needed a male she could dupe into lowering his guard. A younger male, one who would let lust overrule his Cyborg training and naturally cautious nature. At least, that was the plan.
“You are beautiful.” His voice low and gravelly, he crossed the space between them, stopping at the edge of the sleeping platform to shed his robe. His words were the formal greeting of a male summoned to lay with a breeder. “I am honored that you chose me to sire your offspring. I humbly hope my efforts bring success.”
Naked. Beneath the robe, he was completely, gloriously, naked. Thick ropes of muscle covered every inch of his body, sliding smoothly as he moved. Male. He was all male and a very mouthwatering one at that. It took an amazing effort on her part not to stare at his cock, curving hard and ready from the nest of curls at his groin.
Damn. She just might enjoy the part of her plan that required her to have sex with Jackson Firestorm.
Batting her lashes in what she hoped was an enticing gesture, she patted the sleeping platform beside her. “Come here.”
He nodded in acknowledgment of the invitation, lowering his considerable bulk with an inherent grace that took her breath away. She could picture him as a dancer or a gymnast, anything but a cold-blooded killing machine who’d taken time out of his macho existence to ensure the continuance of his bloodlines.
Really, that’s what the breeding program was all about, after all. Making sure that the best genetics were passed on to the next generation in order to assure the continuation of their species. Or at least, their version of the species.
The Cyborgs of Terras Five were humans, but generations ago they’d made the choice to alter the basic anatomy of the males with cybernetic implants shortly after they were born. Life had been tough back then, their fledgling colony barely managing to survive and the choice had been made out of necessity. Survival of the fittest.
The program had proved successful and the Cyborg colony of Terras Five flourished. The females were not subject to the same cybernetic alterations as their male counterparts because the scientists and doctors were afraid that too much tampering with their physical bodies might have an adverse effect on the children that they needed to produce.
Now, the system was widely accepted by both sexes as a vastly superior way to live. They pitied the poor humans who continued to struggle with the inferior DNA resulting from random matings.
Abigail didn’t agree. She had no intention of spending the rest of her life producing children that would be taken from her and raised in community crèches.
She wanted to live as human females did, free to choose her own destiny even if that destiny didn’t include children. To do that, she needed to get off Terras Five.
Jackson slid alongside her, his tangy male scent yanking her back to the present. Running one hand down to cup the back of her head, he tilted it up and ghosted his lips across hers in a kiss that sent the first tingle of desire flitting across the surface of her skin.
Abigail turned toward him, letting her silken robe fall open as she wrapped one arm around his neck and pulled him in closer.
Jackson reacted as she’d hoped, pushing her robe out of the way as he seared her lips with his own, forcing them open to thrust his tongue deep inside.
She went still, surprised for just a second by the aggressive assault. But then, he thought she was a seasoned breeder, used to attention from his brother Cyborgs who were all more than a little Alpha in their wants and needs. She forced herself to relax against him. One thing she was very sure of -- he might be very aggressively male, but he would never hurt her, at least not intentionally. She knew that females felt some discomfort the first time they joined with a male, but the instructors had assured her it would be minor.
Jackson rolled over, raising himself above her and supporting his weight on his forearms. Using his tongue, he traced the curve of her neck, sending darts of liquid heat dancing down her spine...
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