Mirage (Heat Strokes 5)

Author: Kate Hill
Cover Art: Renee' George
BIN: 02967-00942
Genres: Futuristic, Hot Flash, Romance, Sci-Fi
Series: Heat Strokes (#5)
Book Length: Hot Flash
Kate Hill
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2008 Kate Hill
Without saying a word, he cupped the back of her head and his mouth descended upon hers.
Emilee didn't even think about protesting. This was her fantasy -- her mirage -- and she meant to enjoy it.
She placed her hands on his waist, relishing his warmth and solidity. His mouth moved sensually against hers and as the kiss became more real, he used the moist tip of his tongue to trace the shape of her lips.
Moaning softly with desire, she closed her eyes and parted her lips to his gently probing tongue. Her tongue met it and they teased each other with hot, wet strokes. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her so close her breasts pressed against his hard, hair-dusted chest. Even standing in the water her temperature rose. This man felt wonderful, tasted delicious and smelled so good she longed to bury her face in his fiery hair or press her nose against his skin and let his scent fill her with every breath.
She slid her hands from his waist to his ass. Her fingers bit into the rock-hard spheres. What a gorgeous ass! She hadn't felt anything this good in… come to think of it, she'd never felt an ass this good. And she'd never been this attracted to a male of any species. Reluctantly, her hands left that perfect ass to roam up his back. The muscles rippled beneath his flesh. He had such a tight, strong body. Being this close to him made her clit throb and her breasts ache with desire.
By the hard bulge in the front of his shorts, she aroused him just as much, but why not? It was, after all, her fantasy.
He broke the kiss and their gazes met. Looking into his eyes provided the same giddy, carefree sensation as being drunk on fine wine. He touched her face and the rough yet desirable feel of his callused palm against her flesh momentarily brought her back to reality. She'd been so certain he was a figment of her imagination but now she knew he was real. The caress of his breath against her, the gentle scratch of his beard when he'd kissed her and the expression of wonder and longing in his intoxicating eyes confirmed that he was no illusion, but a man as real and passionate as she was. By all the stars in the sky, she wanted him to fuck her.
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