Solar Flare (Print)

Author: Elizabeth Jewell
Cover Art: Angela Knight
BIN: 009700-03145
Genres: Action Adventure, Futuristic, Paranormal, Print, Romance, Sci-Fi
Themes: Bisexual, Multisexual, Pansexual & Transsexual, Gay, Sex/Gender Shifters & MPreg, Vampires
Series: Solar Flare (#6)
Book Length: Print
Page Count: 242
There’s one place in the universe vampires can bask in full sunlight - a red star deep in open space.
Solar Flare: The Lightning Girl will take vampires to the crimson star to experience the novelty of constant day. But Kristof is afraid to take that last step into the light -- until Tomas takes his hand.
Crimson Star: With the entire crew of Lightning Girl dead except for Ash and Trev, the hyperdrive down and the oxygen running out, Trev is determined to save his lover’s life -- no matter what the cost.
Emerald Earth: Ash and Trev were lovers when catastrophe befell the long-haul freighter Lightning Girl, but after twenty-five years of solitude and starvation, things may never be the same between them.
Lightning Girl: Triss’s a type of gender-fluid vampire thought to be extinct. His intriguing nature piques Cal’s interest, but Cal’s not sure if it’s the journalist in him that wants to learn more about this enigmatic vampire or the man who wants to get to know him in every possible way. In the light of the Crimson Star, they’ll have to come to terms with their boundaries, their secrets, and the ultimate nature of love.
Praise for Solar Flare (Solar Flare 1)
"This short story heated me up quickly and had a very passionate scene. If you are looking for a very short story with plenty of heat to get you in the mood, then I recommend this story for you!"
-- Amaranth, Whipped Cream Reviews
"If you like short stories that contain a whole world inside just a few pages, if you think that a vampire hungering for sunlight deserves to find a way to get what he wants, and if you’re looking for a read that is as hot as it is thought provoking, then you will probably like this short story."
-- Serena Yates, Rainbow Book Reviews
"Multi-talented author Elizabeth Jewell pens an edgy tale filled with drama, hot sex and thought provoking questions. Crimson Star is raw, hot and sometimes sad. I look forward to seeing what happens next with these two 'lost' souls in their next story."
Praise for Emerald Earth (Solar Flare 3)
"The story is a well written vampire on vampire romance, with a helping hand from a reporter. The characters are well rounded, believable, with depth. The story is developed by switching between their perspectives building the romance to a hot vampire-on-vampire explicit climax. If you enjoy this one, there's a strong hint of a sequel involving the same three characters. Like vampire romance? It's worth a try."
-- Stefan, The TBR Pile
"The emotions of both men are what had me fascinated – Ash wanted to be turned but living in agony for that long has skewed his view of Trev. Yes, Ash did it to survive, but he had no idea what he’d be facing when he said yes. Their beginning relationship has been destroyed, and this is the story of how they deal with their feelings once they are safe. Very interesting! If you like short stories with lots of emotional turmoil and drama, if you think that a human and a vampire can overcome the barriers between them, and if you’re looking for a read that might have you fearing the worst, then you will probably like this novella."
-- Serena Yates, Rainbow Book Reviews
Praise for Lightning Girl (Solar Flare 4)
LR Cafe's Best of 2018 Nominee: Best Book All Around
"Triss is a very special kind of vampire, truly genderfluid while presenting mostly as male, and the story of what exactly he is and how long he has lived had me on the edge of my seat with curiosity. Fantastic worldbuilding! If you like stories about very unusual characters in challenging situations, if you want to find out how a man and an ancient vampire fall in love, and if you’re looking for a read that is suspenseful, emotional, and full of surprises, then you will probably like this novella."
-- Serena Yates, Rainbow Book Reviews
Solar Flare (Box Set)
Elizabeth Jewell
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2021 Elizabeth Jewell
Excerpt from Crimson Star
Trev gave the readouts one last check, recording all the readings in the logbook. Everything sat within normal ranges, including the oxygen scrubbers he'd had to pull apart and reassemble before launch. Damn things wore out so fast it was hard to keep them fresh and shiny. On the other hand, a little stale air never hurt anybody. As long as the cycling worked correctly, the scrubbers could go a few days past prime usage without any harmful side effects. And the cycling was working perfectly -- kicking in a little early on each pass, in fact, which gave them even more leeway.
Satisfied, Trev pushed back from his console and turned around to face the door just as Martinez strode in. She gave him a grin, her dark eyes flashing. "Everything good?"
Trev nodded. "Looks good to me." He handed her the logbook.
She flipped it back on and glanced over the notations with a thoughtful nod. "Excellent," she said.
He stood, relinquishing his post with a formal salute, and slipped out of the engineering room, leaving his formal self behind.
His non-formal self wasn't much different -- mostly he just took off his hat. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the short-cropped strands sticking straight up under his meddling fingers, and grinned to himself. He stuffed the hat into his hip pocket and headed for the rec bay.
The rec bay on Lightning Girl was disproportionately large, making up nearly a fifth of the full size of the small ship. Necessary, her captain and designer had said, for a crew that could be off-planet as long as a year at a time. It was true that the Girl's crews came back happier, healthier, and with less muscle atrophy than any other long-haul ship in the fleet. It was also true that it was hard to play a really solid game of basketball with only seven people. They did all right, though. Trev currently held the record for most consecutive three-pointers, though nobody gave him credit for it, since his vampire-ness gave him an advantage. He didn't really care. As long as he was allowed to slam-dunk over the captain's head, he was happy. This wasn't a crew where he was told to hold back, and for that he was grateful.
Right now a man and a woman were playing one-on-one. The man was Ash, as Trev had hoped. He sprawled across a bench to watch.
Ash was tall and lean, with dark hair cropped close in the back, per regulation, but flopping into his eyes in the front, which wasn't regulation at all. His eyes were gray, lighter than any gray eyes Trev had ever seen, and there was a swarthy tone to his skin that even the months in space hadn't leeched to paleness. He glanced in Trev's direction, but just as quickly returned his attention to the game.
"That's right," said the woman. The ship's medic, Candace, was nearly as tall as Ash, wiry and quick. "Keep your head in the game."
Ash gave her a toothy smirk and dribbled around her, and Trev settled in to watch them duel.
It was a close battle, but Candace edged by Ash at the last minute, sinking a neat, swishing basket over Ash's head. She snickered and smacked him companionably in the back of the head.
"Next time." A half-chuckle undermined the threat in his voice. He slid a sideways look at Trev, and Trev crossed his arms over his chest and quirked an eyebrow. Ash's responding smirk told him everything he needed to know. Candace glanced from one to the other, shook her head a little, and sauntered off to the ladies' changing room.
Ash waited until the door had closed behind her before he turned to Trev. "So," he said, and the very cadence of his voice made Trev's cock hard.
"So?" Trev replied. He sat up straighter, trying, probably unsuccessfully, to hide the bulge in his pants.
"I need a shower."
Trev nodded. He could wait. But Ash just looked at him, at first amused, then looking more and more like he thought Trev was mentally deficient. Finally getting it, Trev came to his feet. "All right, then."
Ash grinned.
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