Synchronicity (Earth Con 4)

Author: Shelby Morgen
Cover Art: Bryan Keller
BIN: 07260-02340
Genres: Action Adventure, Romance, Sci-Fi , Suspense
Themes: Alien Encounters, Hentai, Multicultural & Interracial, Voyeurism and Exhibitionism
Series: Earth Con (#4)
Book Length: Hot Flash
Page Count: 37
Jody's won the masquerade costume competition for four years running. She should be a shoo-in for first place this year, as well, except that she's being badly upstaged by a tentacle monster costume. Tara's got to come to the rescue or it'll be one miserable drive home. Besides, Jody's a fantastic costumer, and she deserves all the attention she's not getting. When Tara springs into action to divert the audience's attention, the last thing she expects is a chance to experience some real live tentacle play herself!
Only problem is, her Tentacle Monster's costume doesn't come off. He's really a shape shifting alien on the run from some real live alien bounty hunters dressed in what look like leftover eighties costumes from the set of Flash Gordon, and now Tara's got to help him escape, or she could end up crated off to Zenon to stand trial for aiding and abetting a fugitive.
Where are the Men in Black when you need them, anyway?
"I loved the heroic and sexy alien, and this story flowed along without a dull moment. For readers who are into sizzling sci-fi, this novella left me smiling. Don't be surprised if you go looking for an alien of your own."
"This was another winner in the Earth Con series, it had a great story and was just as strong as the previous three books. I enjoyed the way Shelby Morgen wrote this."
-- 5 Stars from Kathryn, Kobo Review
"This was a new author for me, but I followed the suggestion to read and review and was most pleasantly surprised. I'll be looking for more work by this author and I am so glad to have broadened my horizons. Go ahead, read it, you might be as taken as I was."
-- 5 Stars from Neil M., Kobo Review
"I love the work of Shelby Morgen and this book didn’t disappoint. It was just as I expected. A little wacky, fun and sexy. There’s a monster, in this case, an alien, and it’s hot. How can you go wrong? If you’re looking for those things in a short story, then look no further! You’ve found a good one."
-- Nymphaea, Long and Short Reviews
Synchronicity (Earth Con)
Shelby Morgen
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2023 Shelby Morgen
Jody had left off a few things. Like the fact that the tentacle monster -- err, rather the guy in the tentacle monster costume -- changed colors whenever anyone got near him, and since people were running up to it -- him -- in swarming mobs, it was changing colors constantly. Tara almost felt sorry for it. He was really getting overrun. This was more than just a diversion for Jody. Looked like a rescue mission.
Tara surveyed the hallway full of event information, promo tables and registration people impatiently, waiting for Jody to make her grand appearance. Again. But hey. Any good theatrical performance needed a dress rehearsal. There she came, right on time -- or rather 45 minutes late, which was as close to on time as Jody ever got. Usually it was more like two hours. Using her best ringmaster voice, Tara hollered down the length of the hall. "Jody! Jody Miller!"
Jody turned, feigning surprise, and lifted a hand in a reasonable facsimile of a royal acknowledgement.
"Great costume!" And it was. The Faerie wings were nearly as wide as Jody was tall, and so translucent they caught the light from every direction and shimmered like cascading stars. The wheeled trunk Jody hauled in tow was equally impressive. That thing was big enough to hold a couple dead bodies.
Jody strode toward her, more at a march than a Faerie glide, tugging the case and her shoulder bag thru the crowd, nodding and smiling at everyone, gathering a trail of followers as she went. "Tara Lee!" she called back. "When did you get here?"
"Last night," Tara replied. Not that Jody didn't know -- they'd driven up together. Still, if you wanted to attract attention, personal conversations tossed the length of the mezzanine were always attention getting, on any level. And Jody was pretty sure everyone in the sculpted end of the lobby level above as well as those entering through the parking garage could hear them. "You look fantastic. You're going to take first place again this year."
Jody was closer by this time, and their volume dropped. Slightly. "Oh, I doubt that. No one's ever won Masters' division four years in a row."
If anyone could do it, Jody could. And she deserved to win. Her costumes were works of art. She didn't spend a fortune on them, either. The woman could disappear into her Costume Cave and throw just about anything together in short order.
"I want to take your costuming workshop!" Tara called back. "Looks like you're packed for quite a show!"
"Affordable Costuming, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the big ballroom," Jody answered promptly. "I have Faerie Sparkles and Pixie Dust!"
A woman with three teenagers in tow blocked Jody's path to Tara now. More young people, and a good many older ones, too, quit picking at the free samples and crowded around from both sides. Jody allowed herself to be boxed in and waylaid for information.
"See you there!" Tara assured her, at a far lower volume. By the time she turned back to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the crowd was off to find out what they could actually make themselves. Sometimes all people needed was a gentle reminder...
Time for phase two. (Every good rescue plan has a phase two, right?)
Tentacle Porn guy looked wiped. At least Tara thought he did. His brilliant colors and flashing tentacles had faded to an almost transparent mound like a jellyfish washed up on the shore. "You okay?" Tara asked in her most discreet indoor voice.
He lit up again for just a moment, then faded.
"You look like you could use something to eat. I was just heading for the Con Room to hit the snack tables. Wanna come?"
He'd been settled across the corner of the stone wall that surrounded the catch basin below the shimmering waterfall that dropped from the lobby down to the far corner of the mezzanine. When she extended her hand he seemed to grow even taller, standing, she assumed, though it was hard to tell, since he still had no visible feet. One tentacle separated itself from the mass and wrapped delicately around her wrist. Then another. And another. Man, this guy was really dedicated to playing this role to the max. The thin appendages felt cool to the touch, closer to room temperature than normal flesh, and just slightly moist, but that made sense. The waterfall was the coolest spot in the mezzanine, and a slight mist filled the air nearby.
Tara led him to the elevator and made sure all his body parts were tucked inside and away from the door before she let them close and punched the button for the fifth floor. The Con Room would serve the dual purpose of getting her something to eat and collecting a far smaller crowd around Spaghetti Guy.
She jumped when she felt a tentacle trace a circle around her calf, but she'd invited him in, so she stood her ground, even when the tentacle circled and teased upward, slipping behind her knees and working its way up. And up.
She knew she should object when it slipped between her legs, but all she could do was gasp in surprise.
And spread her legs wider.
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